[Column] How guilty each Japanese citizen is about Fukushima accident

Still some people call me a baseless fear monger, but most of my articles are based on the data of Tepco and Japanese government themselves.


If I’m baseless, that means Tepco and the government are baseless.


One of those basis is Tepco’s press conference, but they announced they are going to have the New Year’s holiday for one week.


3 years are passing but almost nothing has been improved in Fukushima plant.

Now even a supermarket doesn’t have a New Year’s holiday.

This means supermarket is more serious about their business than Tepco is about Fukushima decommissioning.


Almost the same members of press attend the press conference of Tepco.

They really make sharp attacks on Tepco and their attitude, I could even call them “comrades”.

From looking at them, we can tell it’s the manager and editor sectors to collapse their reports.

The reporters share the same view against Tepco, but when their article is published, it’s totally changed to mild.

As a company, they can’t write anything to offend their sponsors.


People on the front line know how serious the situation is.


From readers’ feedback, I know some of them think it’s a cultural problem to keep Fukushima going worse and worse.

Probably Japanese is just one entity with one consensus for those people.


but this is not correct. Even if you oppose it, your government can start a war.


Some Japanese people are so afraid of being criticized that they can’t get out of Japan.

I sometimes wonder how guilty each Japanese citizen is about Fukushima, and its on-going effect.




Français :

[Édito] Quelle est le degré de culpabilité de chaque japonais dans l’accident de Fukushima


Il y en a toujours pour me traiter d’alarmiste sans fondements mais la plupart de mes articles sont fondés sur les données de Tepco et du gouvernement japonais eux-mêmes.

Si ce que je dis est sans fondement alors Tepco et le gouvernement le sont aussi.

Une de mes bases est dans les conférences de presse de Tepco mais ils viennent d’annoncer qu’ils les suspendaient une semaine pour le nouvel an.

3 ans sont en train de finir de passer et pratiquement rien n’a été amélioré dans la centrale de Fukushima.
Même les supermarchés ne prennent pas de vacances de nouvelle année à présent.
Ça signifie que les supermarchés sont plus sérieux dans leur travail que Tepco l’est dans le démantèlement de Fukushima.

Les conférences de presse de Tepco sont fréquentées par pratiquement toujours les mêmes gens de la presse.
Ils font des attaques en règle contre Tepco et son attitude, je pourrais sans problème les qualifier de “camarades”.
En les regardant, on peut dire que c’est côté direction et édition que leurs rapports sont censurés.
Les reporters partagent le même point de vue contre Tepco mais leurs articles sont complètement sabrés à la publication.
En tant que société, ils ne peuvent pas tout publier pour ne pas choquer leurs investisseurs.

Ceux qui sont en première ligne savent à quel point la situation est grave.

D’après les retours des lecteurs, je sais que certains d’entre eux pensent que faire empirer Fukushima est un problème culturel.
Pour eux les japonais sont sans doute une entité à l’intérieur d’un consensus.

mais ce n’est pas ça. Même contesté votre gouvernement peut lancer une guerre.

Certains japonais ont tellement peur des critiques qu’ils ne peuvent pas en partir du Japon.
Je me demande parfois à quel point les japonais sont coupables de Fukushima et des conséquences en cours actuellement.

  1. Lori, you make a very good, if uncomfortable point.

    Those who knowingly do nothing are guilty of crimes against humanity by way of tacit complicity.

  2. It is interesting to compare the Communist and Capitalist responses to their respective Level 7 nuclear disasters. As with Fukushima, the initial response to the Chernobyl disaster was a cover-up that probably cost thousands of lives. But to their credit, the Soviet authorities then mounted a war-footing response involving half a million workers, thousands of vehicles and the largest civil engineering project in history. The Soviet response shames Japan, which is still dithering with a few thousand workers and a tight-fisted budget while the catastrophe goes from bad to worse.

    1. A more proper comparison.

      The USSR communists concealed the Chernobyl disaster.

      The Western Corporatists (Fascists) concealed the Fukushima Disaster.

      Both these nuclear schemes are represent mergers of economic and political power. The details of the totalitarianism and inhumanity differ only slightly.

      There is ZERO laissez faire (free market economics) in the global nuclear power industry. Commercial and merchant banks and bond underwriters will NOT touch a (non-subsidized) nuclear power plant.

      Commercial Insurers and reinsurers will not underwrite a nuclear power plant, without government assurances.

      Investors will not TOUCH a reactor project without MASSIVE subsidies, limited liability and FORCED baseload guarantees.

      Private Enterprise and ACTUAL capitalists, voted ‘Thumbs Down’ to nuclear; Years Ago.


      Bill Duff

      1. Nuclear Power Plants in the USA are bankrupt, stand-alone (Limited Liability) entities.

        If an Entergy, NRG, Duke, Exelon …. Nuclear Power Plant has a Level 7 disaster like Chernobyl & Fukushima; the operator walks; as each plant is a stand-alone limited-liability legal entity.

        The national nuclear disaster liability trust fund, does not have 5% of the funds to ‘clean up the mess’.

        The ‘Team Obama’ EPA has promulgated NEW regulations with HIGHER radiation limits; that would NOT provide evacuations, decontamination, medical care OR decommissioning and/or salvage.

        YOYO (You’re On Your Own)


        Bill Duff

        1. Guilt?

          How much GUILT do those rotten, lying, murderous ASSHOLES on ‘Team Nuke’ feel?

          Zippo, Zilch, Zero, Nada, None! (They are sociopaths.)

          How much OBJECTIVE GUILT should be imposed by society … infinite!


          Bill Duff

  3. waouh !
    this is one of the best article you ever write !

    “Il n’y a pas plus aveugle que celui qui ne veut pas voir”

    “There is no one more blind than he who does not wish to see”.

    Help me keeping my eyes open… on Fukushima, on the World, on my life…

    Thank you for your very good work.

    a french friend

  4. Salut Iori, another French friend.
    We are responsible for letting ourselves conned by the Nuclear Crew.
    As a citizen of a top nuclear country, I can at least voice my concerns to my representatives and around me and keep researching it.
    Thanks for doing so much more, in such an outstanding manner and to help us keep informed.

  5. The Japanese citizenry was repeatedly deceived by Team Nuke, with the blessing and assistance of the former USA, Japan government and the IAEA.

    The Japanese citizenry was under duress, during the occupation period and beyond.

    Japan needed electricity to rebuild the economy and only ‘The Nuclear Door’ was open.

    Deference, teamwork and conformity are characteristics, not faults. The actual individual guilt is minimal. There may have been some opportunities to ‘change things’, before 311; but I doubt it.

    Too bad that ‘Atoms For Peace’ has proved to be more devastating than the nuclear warfare endured by Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


    Bill Duff

  6. The Japanese people have no reason to feel guilty. The General Electric Company of America wrote Fukushima’s nuclear plant designs. America was repeatedly asked to come in and help and they left it to the Japanese people knowing that they would have no way of managing such design flaws.

    …”The NRC database of nuclear power plants shows that 23 of the 104 nuclear plants in the U.S. are GE boiling-water reactors with GE’s Mark I systems for containing radioactivity, the same containment system used by the reactors in trouble at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant. The U.S. reactors are in Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Vermont.

    In addition, 12 reactors in the U.S. have the later Mark II or Mark III containment system from GE. These 12 are in Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Washington state.

    …A fact sheet from the anti-nuclear advocacy group Nuclear Information and Resource Service contends that the Mark I design has design problems, and that in 1972 an Atomic Energy Commission member, Dr. Stephen Hanuaer, recommended that this type of system be discontinued.”


  7. I hope their fear is real and not a rationalization of staying. There are no democracies on earth, maybe Switzerland and some Nordic countries, where the people have any power close to the power a few possess. Living with Three Mile Island I have a slight understanding of the fear, the confusion, the everything. Life is literally hanging by a thread for many and when you know you were and are being contaminated with radionuclides, there is not much hope for the future. I don’t speak for everyone, but this American wants the Japanese to freely come over with no visa requirement, just stay here for 7 years and you can be a citizen or something ike that. (Can’t speak for other countries.) We were all brainwashed by the same cabal. My country nuked itself over a thousand times. I don’t think any aware Americans would not want Japanese over here and in less danger. At least in the east you can eat local, etc. I know the state of the West Coast and the whole nation, not saying there is no risk, but would you rather live in FUKU or somewhere out east? It’s all about minimization of exposure on an individual level at this point. Blame belongs to the nuclear mafia. There is no democracy with nuclear anything. Maybe Germany would understand as their plants are shutdown? Worth a shot to contact all the different countries foreign reps. You also need to blend cultures too though. (Could that be a cultural stumbling block? I don’t know much about Japan’s culture.) You can’t carve out a “new Japan,” but at least their traditions and cultural identity is preserved. That is honorable to me. Peace of mind is priceless and I can’t imagine living there. There have to be places to go, I know it. With your tenacity, I know you will find many opportunities to help your fellow Japanese. May not be what someone is used to, but you always adapt. I’ll take a look at visa requirements. Many young Japanese could come here through going to school. (4 to 8 yrs and possible residency with a job afterwards.) That is one way. Each country probably has some “loophole” for not everyone, but a good portion. Perhaps a facebook like site where people could post themselves and look for roommates around the world. Would be great for young adults, and even families could find people with big houses and big hearts? I’m so happy you started this site and always update us with a straight from a Japanese MAN, what it really means to be a man, and I hope you have a great year and everyone’s efforts start paying off. You’ve inspired many to get involved and learn the truth. Thank you so much, and have a Happy New Year, you need to let loose and relax sometimes. lol (These are obv just opinions and I’m sure you prob looked into all this already, but I was just thinking.)

  8. Overrun,

    The formerly united states of America are presently overrun with illegal aliens. On the order of 15 million illegal aliens are presently residing in the USA. The former USA has little or no capacity to secure the borders against illegal entry, drug smuggling and/or terrorists. The economy is in collapse in the former nation, with official unemployment percentages and HARD number counts of those who have ceased job searches. The percentage participation in the workforce is at the lowest level on record.

    The citizenry of the 50 States, of the former constitutional republic, are in NO mood to welcome additional guests/visitors; whether legal or undocumented. This includes all sources, all races, creeds, colors, religions and/or ethnic groups. It includes ALL reasons, excuses, including humanitarian, for short-term stays OR permanent residents.

    Sorry, but this Christmas … “There is NO ROOM in the inn!”


    Bill Duff

  9. Further,

    The Mendacity Media and government of the former united states of America, have downplayed the severity of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station disaster, to about the level of a malfunctioning electrical transformer.

    Barack Obama denied the Japanese People access to AVAILABLE/PLENTIFUL antiradiation medicines such as KI and Radiogardase (insoluble Prussian Blue).

    The general citizenry of the former USA have no reason to believe, that the Nipponese are facing any danger or hazard whatsoever. Nor are they aware of the local deaths and miscarriages due to Fukushima. Nor are there any general concerns about the Pacific Ocean and/or seafood products.

    Ignorance is bliss, perhaps deadly bliss.


    Bill Duff

  10. Nothing Personal (citizen to citizen)

    The Kenya Native simply has a private agenda, which has nothing to do with historic alliances and/or conventions.

    Saudis lament, ‘we have been stabbed in the back by Obama’

    By Richard Miniter, Published December 27, 2013 FoxNews.com

    http www foxnews.com/ (opinion/2013/12/27/saudis-lament-have-been-stabbed-in-back-by-obama/)

    Arabs don’t trust Obama either.

    “The bond of trust between America and Saudi Arabia has been broken in the Obama years,” al-Ibrahim said. “We feel we have been stabbed in the back by Obama.”

    “Every time that Obama had to choose between his enemies and his friends, he always chose his enemies,” he said. “We don’t know what he’s putting in his tea.”

    Al-Ibrahim also pointed to Obama’s “dangerous inaction” during violent Iran-backed uprisings in Bahrain, and now his negotiations with Iran, and his separate, secret negotiations with Iran’s terrorist proxy Hezbollah. Since American officials cannot legally negotiate with terrorist groups and Hezbollah is a State Department-listed terror organization, the administration has been using British diplomats to carry messages to Hezbollah. The Obama administration reportedly favors a “warm up to a direct relationship in the future” with Hezbollah.

  11. An ongoing concern of Allies of the FORMER USA constitutional republic

    http http://www.reuters com/ (article/2011/01/31/us-egypt-israel-usa-idUSTRE70U53720110131)

    Israel shocked by Obama’s “betrayal” of Mubarak

  12. This is an ongoing concern of MANY Allies of the FORMER USA constitutional republic.

    There is NOT a shred of constitutional governance within, what remains of the former USA superpower. An international VOID has been created somewhat like the collapse of the former USSR, former Rome, and to a lesser degree the shrinkage of Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal & Germany colonial influences. There is only the Law of Force, in the NOW TOTAL absence of the Force of Law.

    http http www reuters com/ (article/2011/01/31/us-egypt-israel-usa-idUSTRE70U53720110131)

    Israel shocked by Obama’s “betrayal” of Mubarak

  13. Iori, people who have any common sense at all do NOT think that the people of Japan are responsible for this crisis. We know that they are not responsible, and we also know that they are caughtin a bad place because many cannot move to new homes.

    Many people in the world also live under governments who do as they please, and not as their people ask. And many people in the world live in countries where corporations are not held accountable when things go wrong, or when they put profit ahead of people’s lives or safety, or the environment.

    If you have readers who point the finger of blame for what has happened at the ordinary, everyday citizen of Japan, then those people who say this are very uninformed and ignorant. Please do not let nasty comments from these readers add more sadness.

    I do believe that most people who know about Fukushima Daiichi hold TEPCO and the government at fault for the problems before the typhoon, the mishandling of the crisis and also for the horrible fate of many innocent Japanese people, and the contamination of the beautiful land and coast of Fukushima Prefecture.

    People in the world do know that there is a media blackout, and that the Japanese Press is under pressure to NOT report full facts. People in the world condemn this. People in the world also condemn their own governments for not speaking openly about the Daiichi plant and also condemn their governments for not helping the people of Japan.

    Your heart is a bright light in a dark world, my friend. I wish you to find the Key to Happiness.

  14. They can’t say they don’t know how bad it is! You can say they don’t want to know. This is how most of the world works. If you don’t know anything about it (on purpose) then you have a clear conscience when shit hits the fan and you done nothing about it.

    More and more I’m so pissed about this it boils my skin. Draw a circle around fukushima with a 250 mile radii, this should a have been the evac zone. There is 16 times more nuclear fuel in reactor 3 alone than what was at chernobyl. Don’t say where would they all go, it don’t matter they can’t stay! There is only safe levels for outside your body. Once that particle enters your body there is no safe levels. I stopped eating seafood 4 to 5 months after it happen. All you have to do is look at it for a few moments to figure out there only collecting a small amount of water. Hmmm where is the rest going?

    It’s not only japan to make sure this is cleaned up, it effects the whole planet. The world knew how bad it is and did nothing about it. Has nothing to do with tepco lying and the government lying. They know! If japan told everyone they didn’t want help, it should have been forced upon them. The ocean has taken a huge hit on this and currents will spread it all over the planet.If you could only track every particle and who it kills or mutates the world would be in outrage over this. But no, they will go on believing that there cancer came from second hand smoke.

  15. The Japanese People did NOT refuse to take anti-radiation medications. KI (potassium iodide) provides thyroid shielding from radioiodine. Radiogardase (insoluble Prussian Blue) speeds radiocesium removal from the human body.

    TEPCO, Japan, Barack Obama, CTBTO, IAEA and the ‘Team Nuke Contractors’ withheld VITAL, AVAILABLE radioactive fallout information, health threats, evacuation routes, AND anti-radiation medications from the Japanese People.

    Victims seldom have objective guilt and little reason for emotional guilt trips.


    Bill Duff

  16. The Japanese People did NOT refuse to evacuate.

    Warnings and evacuation orders were delayed, blocked and underplayed.

    The GUILT lies elsewhere.


    Bill Duff

  17. it is the duty of the citizen to speak. To give its opinion, everyone (friends, neighbors, internet …).

    This is democracy, it gives its opinion by voting. And it is equally important to exercise his right of expression by giving its opinion.

    The first thing that a dictatorship is to prohibit citizens to speak, to express themselves.


    c’est le devoir du citoyen de parler. De donner son avis, à tout le monde (amis,voisins, sur internet,…).

    C’est la démocratie, on donne son avis en votant. Et il est tout autant important d’user de son droit d’expression en donnant son avis.

    La première chose que fait une dictature c’est d’interdire au citoyens de parler, de s’exprimer.





  18. Necrometrics: Megadeath, Hemoclysm, Genocide

    Where shall we place the IAEA & Team Nuke in the twisted modern saga of interconnected barbarities? What numbers will history record for the radiation deaths?

    Congo Free State: (1886-1908): 8,000,000 Deaths
    World War I: (1914-18): 15,000,000 Deaths
    Russian Civil War: (1917-22): 9,000,000 Deaths
    Stalin: (1924-53): 20,000,000 Deaths
    World War II (1939-45): 66,000,000 Deaths
    PRC Mao Zedong’s regime (1949-1975): 40,000,000 Deaths

    Genocidal Episodes:

    Armenians in Turkey: (1915-1918) 1,500,000 Deaths
    Stalin’s Forced Famine: (1932-1933) 7,000,000 Deaths
    Rape of Nanking: (1937-1938): 300,000 Deaths
    Nazi Holocaust: (1938-1945): 6,000,000 Deaths
    Pol Pot in Cambodia: (1975-1979): 2,000,000 Deaths
    Bosnia-Herzegovina: (1992-1995): 200,000 Deaths
    Rwanda: (1994): – 800,000 Deaths

    1. Forensic Investigations

      It will require some forensic detective work to tally up the Radiation Dead.

      Military: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Nuclear Navy Deaths, Spent Fuel Artillery, Atmospheric Testing,

      Industrial: Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Fukushima

      Research & Medical: Involuntary Experiments

      Dumping and Storage: Oceanic and Land dumping & storage programs


      The number may be on the order of 20,000,000 excess deaths from radiation. There are some lives saved and extended, and other benefits which are separate categories, for this preliminary analysis.


      Bill Duff

      1. 65 Million deaths is within the Order of Magnitude range for 20 Million. 2M < 20M Environment By Paul Waugh Deputy Political Editor Friday, 31 January 2003

        Nuclear weapons and pollution linked to 65 million deaths

        Pollution from nuclear energy and weapons programmes up to 1989 will account for 65 million deaths, according to a European scientific committee headed by an adviser to the British Government. Research published yesterday by the European Committee of Radiation Risk claims that previous figures massively underestimate the nuclear industry’s impact on human life. The ECRR is an international body of 30 independent scientists, led by Dr Chris Busby, a member of the Government’s radiation risk committee and adviser to the Ministry of Defence on the use of depleted uranium.

        The findings prompted immediate calls for the Government to rethink its support for the nuclear industry or share responsibility for millions of deaths worldwide. The report came as the European Commission yesterday published two new draft directives setting up the first EU-wide standards on nuclear power plant safety, decommissioning and the management of radioactive waste. The study by ECRR, whichwas formed in Brussels in 1998, is based on a risk assessment model developed over the last five years, and uses evidence from recent discoveries in radiation biology and from human epidemiology. It found that radioactive releases up to 1989 have caused, or will eventually cause, the death of 65 million people worldwide.

        It concludes that the cancer epidemic is a result of pollution from nuclear energy and of exposures to global atmospheric weapons fallout, which peaked in the period 1959-63. The research cites evidence such as the levels of breast cancer in women who were adolescent between 1957 and 1963, when nuclear weapons testing was at its peak.

  19. The warning, from IKE, as HE proposed the ‘Atoms For Peace” program. We were WARNED from the get-go, by the man himself. And IKE’s worst nightmares have come true; while his promising vision for the future lies in shambles.

    Military-Industrial Complex Speech, Jan. 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower

    http www youtube com/ (watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY)

    This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

    The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present, and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientifictechnological elite. It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system — ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society.

    We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.

    Complete Video & Text:
    http www youtube com/ (watch?v=MG7DYh9lEiQ)
    http coursesa matrix msu edu/ (~hst306/documents/indust) html

    1. Ike Eisenhower rained death and devastation on Hitler’s genocidal nation. IKE and his command staff, FROG MARCHED vast numbers of Germany’s citizens through their own concentration camps, forcing them to WITNESS the evil they had perpetrated.

      The leading citizens of the former Reich were forced to FACE their misdeeds.

      Ike understood war and peace, and warned us to maintain vigilance.

      It is time to DRAG ‘Team Nuke’ to harsh justice. I believe that Ike would ‘fix bayonets’ and impale these monsters at the IAEA, which he CREATED, to benefit mankind.


      Bill Duff

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


December 2013