Teacher who warned their students about radiation got fired in Fukushima.
via @reitsuba
Health check result of my husband→White blood cells decreased to half as last year.Hemoglobin content and red blood cell showed hemoglobin content,it reads “need a medical treatment.”
A 4 years old girl got had her thyroid exposed to 35mSv radiation on 3/26~27.
http://www.nsc.go.jp/ad/pdf/20110329_1.pdf (PDF)
via @Natsukorin_666
From the data of Ukraine,6Bq/l in urine may cause bladder cancer.Now breast milk detected 2~13Bq/l in Fukushima.
Interview with the Fukushima admin,Yoshida
1)Most of the pipes and facility were damaged by earthquake.not by Tsunami →IAEA is a liar.
2)Tsunami made it complete blackout.
3)They better stop all the other nuc plants right now too.
4)They are trying to cover unit 1 with a tent but it’s not to stop the radiation leakage.It’s to hide the unit from satellite.and the construction hasn’t even started officially.
5)There is no plan to make a sarcophagus because they don’t even know where the fuel rods are.
6)need more workers.
An old astronaut, Mr Akiyama,”I was farming in 32km area from Fukushima after retirement. They took the peaceful retirement from me. want to make their doll with hay and nail it out.”
Japanese Empress gave a comment to a mother who evacuated from Fukushima with her 3 years old daughter,”I’m impressed.”
→Emperor family knows how dangerous to remain in Fukushima is but they are not officially allowed to call for evacuation.
via @neneyu
Private kindergarten association in Fukushima sue Tepco for the compensation of 8,000,000,000 JPY.
Japanese actress Shibazaki Kou is also anti nuc.
Though Tokyo is extreme pro nuc ist,Setagaya ward is very anti nuc.
Setagaya ward mayor is accepting people from around Fukushima.They seem to cover the living cost up to 75,000JPY.
That’s such a good condition that I even want to apply. Good job Setagaya !!
J.M Gould warns in 160km area from a nuc plant, Breast Cancer risk is about 5~6 times higher than average.
Radiation map of German gov ended at today’s 17:50.
feeling like we were left alone.
Thank you very much for 1541 votes to have it continued.
via @toshiotakami
膨大なツイッター、ブログ監視など当然下請けにまわされバイトも動員。皆応募して内部告発しよう(^^ RT @fireiceball: バイト募集してないかなー RT @toshiotakami: エネ庁、市民のツイッター等監視、ADK(アサツー ディ・ケイ)が契約
Let’s work for ADK,which monitors internet,and be internal whistleblower.
Most of the power companies and Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency collected pro nuc attendance from their employees etc and asked them to give nuc friendly comments at town meetings.
Mothers in Fukushima have vesicle around their hand nails.They say it really hurts.
Immunological deterioration causes this.
ウチの近くの高級住宅地にある東電・勝俣会長の自宅は、日夜、機動隊に強固に守られている。 友人から聞いた話だが、知人の医者が福島の子供達の健康診断に行った際、幼い子供達の甲状腺は全て腫れていたそうだ。福島の人々、福島の子供達はいったい誰が守るのか?
The Tepco’s chairman’s house is heavily protected by antiriot police.
Anyway, a friend of mine, who’s a doctor, went to Fukushima for children’s health check. says, all of them had their thyroid swollen. Nobody saves them.
via @momodeli
Fish market staff in Kyoto ,”Fukushima fish don’t sell,so we change the label to manipulate the origin.”
North Tochigi has a lot of hot spot. Esp Nasu Shiobara, Nikko, Yasaka have 60,000~100,000Bq/kg, which is as bad as Iwakishi in Fukushima.
via @rina_matsunaga
via @usakawai
@Kawaguchi shi ,Saitama ken,10 years old daughter had her urine detected cesium.I was very careful for her not to be exposed,esp about water,food,rain.I had her wear a mask till mid May.
[Must check]
via @mechanenko
RT @youjou: @hanayuu福島が大雨なのに東電のふくいちかめらが晴天でTBS JNN福島第一カメラが大雨でみえない件
Fukushima live streaming camera of TBS : Stormy.can’t even see the plants over there.
Fukushima “live streaming” camera of Tepco : Sunny.
Actual weather : Stormy.
→Tepco’s “live streaming camera” shows recorded video!!
via @kubota_photo
窪田 誠
【重要】監視系の要注意アカウントは、ADK Recruit Team( rec001 rec002 rec003 )adkinew2012 以上4アカウント。見かけたら即ブロックすることをお勧めします。
Bot accounts of the big brother.Block them soon as possible.
ADK Recruit Team( rec001 rec002 rec003 )
via @momojp
もう、戦時中。政府・役所と国民がもうバトルしてる。RT @teatree_ft: 賛成。私たちにも我慢の限度があります。 RT @thoton: 経産省に押しかけたほうがいい。解体しないと、殺される。
It’s a war.Gov vs People. We will tackle into the ministry of economy.We need to collapse it or we are gona be killed.
Demonstration at Ginza.
Antiriot police=150
They are really scared of demonstration.
Radioactive mud on the street is still left beside the street.
Power companies spent more than 200,000,000,000 yen on media control in 2009.