IAEA encouraged Tepco to consider discharging contaminated water to the Pacific

Note : If you are from the international mass media, Don’t read this site before taking a contact with me.



As Fukushima Diary wrote on the column of 11/5/2013 ([Column] Contaminated water will be discharged to the Pacific [URL]), IAEA is trying to drag the public opinion to encourage Tepco to discharge the contaminated water.

In the review of IAEA expert team over Fukushima decommissioning from 11/25 to 12/4/2013, the IAEA team stated they believe it is necessary to consider discharging the contaminated water that is endlessly increasing.

Even though the increase of contaminated water is out of control, they described it as “controlled discharge”.

It’s stated like this below,

Advisory point 5:
The IAEA team believes that it is necessary to find a sustainable solution to the problem of
managing contaminated water at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi NPS. This would require
considering all options, including the possible resumption of controlled discharges to the sea.
TEPCO is advised to perform an assessment of the potential radiological impact to the population
and the environment arising from the release of tritium and any other residual radionuclides to the
sea in order to evaluate the radiological significance and to have a good scientific basis for taking
decisions. It is clear that final decision making will require engaging all stakeholders, including
TEPCO, the NRA, the National Government, Fukushima Prefecture Government, local
communities and others.







I reject the international mass media to read this site without taking a contact with me.I know some of the mass media corporations read Fukushima Diary to understand the trend so they know when to report about Fukushima as if they were independently following it for a long time.
In short, they make you individual readers pay for this site while they pay nothing, and when they publish the “authorized news”, you pay for the “secondhand news”, which is nothing new for us.
This site is free for the individual readers, but not for corporations.In the world, this site is nearly the only source about Fukushima. I came here alone without any supporting organizations, background or anything. I’m not pleased to be exploited by the corporations that didn’t even properly report about Fukushima when 311 took place.

I demand them to take a contact with me BEFORE reading this site whatever the purpose is.


Français :

L’AIEA encourage Tepco à déverser les eaux extrêmement radioactives dans le Pacifique
Note : Si vous êtes de la grande presse internationale, ne lisez pas ce site sans avoir préalablement pris contact avec moi.


Comme le Fukushima Diary l’écrivait dans son éditorial du 5 novembre 2013 ([Édito] Les eaux extrêmement radioactives vont être déversées dans le Pacifique], l’AIEA essaye de pousser l’opinion publique à encourager Tepco à déverser les eaux extrêmement radioactives dans l’océan.

Dans le bilan d’une étude sur le démantèlement de Fukushima effectuée du 25 novembre au 4 décembre 2013 par une équipe d’experts de l’AIEA, ils affirment croire nécessaire de déverser en mer ces eaux extrêmement radioactives qui augmentent sans cesse.
Même quand l’augmentation des quantités d’eaux extrêmement radioactives échappe à tout contrôle ils le décrivent comme étant un “déversement contrôlé”.

C’est présenté de la façon suivante :

Avis n°5 :
L’équipe de l’AIEA pense nécessaire de trouver une solution durable au problème de gestion des eaux dans la NPS (ndt: Station électrique nucléaire) de Fukushima Daiichi de TEPCO. Ceci exige d’envisager toutes les solutions, y compris celle d’une reprise de déversements contrôlés en mer.
TEPCO est avisée de produire une évaluation des impacts radiologiques potentiels sur la population et l’environnement consécutifs au relachement de tritium et de tout autre radionucléide résiduel en mer, pour en évaluer l’importance radiologique et se munir d’une bonne base scientifique avant de prendre ses décisions. Il est clair que la décision finale exigera l’implication de toutes les parties prenantes, y compris TEPCO, la NRA, le gouvernement national, la préfecture de Fukushima, les instances locales, et autres.


J’interdis à la grande presse internationale de lire et d’utiliser ce site sans préalablement prendre contact avec moi. Je sais que certaines grandes sociétés de presse lisent le Fukushima Diary pour comprendre la tendance et trouver quand rendre compte de la situation de Fukushima comme s’ils la suivaient indépendamment depuis longtemps.
En résumé, ils vous font payer à vous, simples lecteurs, ce qu’ils prennent gratuitement dans ce site et lorsqu’ils publient des “nouvelles de première main” vous payez pour des “nouvelles resucées”, qui n’ont rien de nouveau pour nous.
Ce site est gratuit pour les lecteurs individuels, pas pour les sociétés. Ce site est pratiquement la seule source au monde sur Fukushima. Je viens ici seul sans aucun soutien d’organisation quelconque, ni références, ni rien. Je n’apprécie pas de me faire exploiter par ces sociétés qui n’ont même pas été foutues de relater correctement ce qui se passait à Fukushima quand a eu lieu le mois de mars 2011.

Je leur demande de prendre contact avec moi AVANT de lire ce site dans quelque but que ce soit.

  1. When it comes to the definition of the stakeholders, I would say that ALL humans living at coastal areas of the north pacific (minimum) are effected.

    If the people from the IAEA have another definition, they only use hundreds of millions men, women and children (and all animal life in the north pacific) as guinea pigs without consent, thus showing their psychopathic criminal behavior – nothing new.

  2. Bioremediation Organisms for consideration at Fukushima

    Some bacteria with the ability to use radiation for energy are already found by scientists from high radiation and industrial polluted sites in Japan and around the world. They can be used at Fukushima to add an additional method of filtration for the groundwater and radiated water in the storage tanks.

    Extremophilic microbes

    Thermus thermophilis from a thermal vent in a hotspring in a mine in Japan

    ref Horikoshi, 2011

    Kineococcus radiotolerans Savannah River USA

    reference Bagwell et al. 2008

    Rubrobactor xylanophilis Salisbury UK ref Horikoshi, 2011

    From Microbial Biotechnology: Energy and Environment by Rajesh Arora

    1. Hello!
      I red the bacteria can live extrem condition than a fungi but how clean the radiation?
      Fungi also can concentrate radiation poison than rice but still the poison inside the organizm and by it spread!

      I hope I will Here Forward 🙂

    2. Helen Dawson,

      Helen Dawson has ZERO to contribute, to Fukushima decontamination.

      Bio Remediation is not an avenue worthy of 10 Cents of expense, in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster cleanup efforts.

      A SECOND ALPS UNIT and a third, would help.

      An undersea tank farm, for ALPS processed water would be helpful.

      Meanwhile, MORONS such as Helen Dawson, distract from the FOCUS to STOP the direct flow of untreated, highly contaminated water into the North Pacific Ocean. Only TEPCO, Japan, Barack Obama and the IAEA have proven to be more environmentally DANGEROUS than idiot hippies and their ZANY notions.


      Bill Duff

    3. Bacteria cannot use ‘hard’ radiation (eg gamma rays) for energy, although some bacteria can derive energy from the chemical compounds in radioactive waste. Bioremediation can be used to break down or concentrate toxic chemicals (radioactive or otherwise), but it does not make radioactivity disappear. It would be nice to be able to throw a few sacks of extremophiles into the Fukushima storage tanks and have the Caesium, Strontium etc precipitate out at the bottom (or better still, rise to the top to be skimmed off). It would be nice to inject a wall of bio-gel into the ground to soak up the nasties, and pump it out later to be buried somewhere (not in my backyard!). Does anyone have any practical suggestions? Meanwhile a radioactive Amazon continues to pour directly into the Pacific Ocean.

  3. On the Beach

    High Tide will bring low radionuclide contamination levels up to tidal pools and beaches. Then the sea retreats at low tide and evaporation concentrates the radionuclides such as Cesium and Strontium.

    Day after day, some of these micro-environments will CONCENTRATE the radioisotope levels. Some of these radioisotopes can enter the human body through the skin. This phenomenon adds to bio-concentration and bioaccumulation.

    Enjoy the beaches,


    Bill Duff

  4. Sea Salt,

    Sea Salt concentrates the radionuclides by the removal of water. Frankly, it is probably safer to switch over to MINED salt on the kitchen table.

    MINED salt was NEVER exposed to atmospheric testing, Chernobyl and/or Fukushima.

    Sustainability strategies and recipes should probably focus with greater specificity on the SALT SOURCE. That is, if one of your sustainability goals is to sustain your life and health.


    Bill Duff

  5. Danger,

    The IAEA are quite obviously, some EXTREMELY dangerous, lying WHORES. Oh and the IAEA has completely ENSLAVED the World Health Organization to their joint mission of promoting maximum nuclear contamination of children, sealife and other living creatures.

    The IAEA, WHO, Japan, Barack Obama and TEPCO should be regarded as the dangerous lying whores that they so evidently are. (IMHO)


    Bill Duff

    1. Stand Down

      The IAEA is unfortunately, a SUBSTANTIAL part of the problem. The IAEA has not proven itself to be of any constructive value, in the formulation of a Fukushima Daiichi SOLUTION. (IMHO)

      The IAEA should recuse itself from ALL further decisions at the FDNPP, on the basis of a clear ‘conflict of interest’.

      Further, the United Nations should ‘REMOVE the SHACKLES’ of the IAEA from the WHO. The dangerously corrupt IAEA should have no further influence upon the WHO, ever and forever. (IMHO)


      Bill Duff

  6. Salt Spray,

    Salt Spray from the North Pacific NOW includes Radiocesium isotopes Cs-137 and the higher activity Cs-134. The AIRBORNE concentrations of these radioisotopes is quite low at Guam, California and even Tokyo bay. However once the water evaporates, the radioisotopes concentrate on cars, windows, decks, sidewalks and other surfaces.

    Each physical contact with a radiation fallout contaminated object will transport some of these harmful Fukushima radionuclides inside. Gradually, Strontium 90 will increase in concentrations around the Pacific. Gradually, bone sarcomas will increase with the heart-attacks and congestive heart failures.

    Meanwhile, the IAEA, WHO, Barack Obama, TEPCO and Japan will continue to LIE about it.

    Sell the house at Malibu to your worst enemy or frenemy.


    Bill Duff

  7. Multiple ALPS units can remove the cesium, strontium, plutonium, uranium and many other radionuclides. There is no (remotely) economical method to remove the tritium. (completely infeasible) IMHO

    http cache wbur org/ (audio/player/hereandnow/2013/12/06/fukushima-clean-up#)

    It is Extremely Dangerous to release these concentrations of Tritium DIRECTLY into the ocean.

    Japan should continue to build underground walls at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. These impermeable barriers should extend below the level of the corium, wherever that may be at present, or in the future. The entire FDNPS should be terraced with impermeable barriers for multiple purposes:

    To exclude clean upstream groundwater from the contaminated station
    To redirect clean upstream groundwater to the sea
    To ISOLATE & LOCALIZE FDU-1, FDU-2 and FDU-3 corium
    To focus cooling water ‘like a Laser Beam’, on the corium itself.
    To reduce pumping requirements
    To reduce the rate of radiation increase at the nuclear power station
    To reduce contamination of the Pacific Ocean

    And, sadly, the world must insist that the tritiated water be contained and radiation-shielded for several (12 year) tritium half-lives.


    Bill Duff

  8. We are calling for tests to be immediately conducted to verify and formulate Plan A in full.

    They need see for themselves how Hydroxy will simplify the difficulties they are imagining

  9. Why Hydroxy?

    Hydroxy Gas is produced on demand from water. When the gas is combusted its only exhaust will be water vapor. So we are basically recycling our resource as we are using it, how could we go greener?!

    This means no carbon dioxide or monoxide, no NOx, nothing! Hydroxy gas is the cleanest gas to burn with an exhaust of absolutely clean water with no soot, or particle.

    This makes the hydroxy gas perfect for applications that require clean heat like flame polishing on acrylic or even heating the air of your home without worries about exterior exhaust systems or odors brought by propane or natural gas combustion.

    Hydrogen is the best and most efficient energy carrier ever.

    Every fuel, be it diesel, gasoline, natural gas, propane, butane, etc, are all carbon chains of a certain length, which determine the name or fuel type, linked together by hydrogen atoms. Used in conjunction with gasoline into your vehicle it acts as a catalyst that optimizes the combustion and results in cleaner emissions, reduced fuel costs and reduced oil maintenance.

    Hydrogen is the first element, the lightest, the simplest and the most abundant of all elements in the whole universe. It is so to speak matter’s first building bricks. Hydrogen has also the hottest burning temperature of the whole gaseous state element.

    Its temperature is equal to sun’s surface… which is not a coincidence since the sun burns hydrogen…

    Hydroxy gas is produced on demand as you, the user, need it. This means no storage, no high-pressure bottles, no explosion risk, no gas bottle exchange, no gas fee and so on. The only thing the user needs to do is ensure that there is plenty of water in the tank and that the unit is powered with the appropriate electrical output.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


December 2013