NRA “Radiation dose is too high in reactor4 spent fuel pool area” → Tepco covered lead plate over the crane

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Tepco is removing the fuel assemblies from reactor4 pool. NRA (Nuclear Regulation Authority) commented the radiation dose in pool area is too high, they ordered Tepco to take measures to reduce the radiation level.

Tepco was stating the pool water shields radiation from the fuel assemblies. However now that the pool water is highly contaminated, the workers also need to protect themselves from the increased radiation dose by the pool water.


The workers check inside of the water from above the refueling crane moving above the water. Tepco put lead plate over the crane to reduce the radiation level.



If you are from the international mass media, Don’t read this site before having a contact with me.


Français :

La NRA “La radioactivité est trop forte autour de la piscine du réacteur 4” → Tepco a recouvert de plaques de plomb ce qui est au-dessus de la grue
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Tepco est en train de retirer les assemblages de combustibles de la piscine du réacteur 4 (SFP4). La NRA (Nuclear Regulation Authority) a déclaré que la radioactivité autour de cette piscine est trop forte et ils ont ordonné à Tepco de prendre des dispositions pour la réduire.

Tepco avait affirmé que l’eau de la piscine absorbé les radiations des assemblages de combustible. Or, maintenant que cette eau est extrêmement radioactive, les travailleurs doivent se protéger également de cette augmentation de la radioactivité autour des eaux de la piscine.

Les ouvriers contrôlent l’intérieur de la piscine depuis le dessus de la grue de levage qui se déplace au-dessus de l’eau. Tepco a y posé des plaques de plomb pour y diminuer la dose ambiante.

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  1. Lori, common fuel pool is apparently 82.5% full and already contains 5643 assemblies. There are still 1401 fuel assemblies to be removed from spent fuel pool 4. Obviously there is not sufficient room for all the spent fuel. Any idea what Tepco is going to do? Are they going to start casking older spent fuel? Stored where?

  2. David, I think TEPCO did 14% removed only 14% as of a few days ago.
    Where did you read that they removed 5643-1401 fuel assemblies?
    maybe I am missing something.

    1. Dka, the common spent fuel pool before the disaster already contained approx 5,000 assemblies which made it approx 80% full.

      What I am saying is that the common spent fuel pool will not have enough additional spare room to accommodate all the spent fuel from SPF 4., let alone the assemblies from SPF’s 1,2 & 3 if they ever figure out a way to remove those assemblies.

  3. Hmmm

    Let’s take a look at this situation, with a WIDE ANGLE Lens.

    1) The FDU-4 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP-4) WATER is NOW ‘highly contaminated’.

    2) TEPCO has installed lead (Pb) shielding on the crane to protect workers.

    3) TEPCO will not disclose worker doses or exposure levels

    4) Lead shielding sounds like Gamma (Γ) radiation

    Therefore, this is apparently the TEPCO announcement that fuel rod damage has occurred, in the Spent Fuel Transfer effort.


    Bill Duff

  4. Fuel Damage

    So, HOW MUCH fuel damage are we talking here? Did a few individual tube cracks widen (separate)? Did one (1) fuel bundle shatter?

    Did TEPCO drop the transfer cask?

    What is the damage assessment?

    How much Gamma (Γ) radiation is zipping around inside the new FDU-4 NON-CONTAINMENT, building?

    What, by the way are the radiocesium and radiostrontium levels? What other isotopes are present, in the POOL, which was RECENTLY safe enough for reporters and political bigwigs to visit?

    How many TEPCO workers have been hospitalized? Were any visitors inside the Unit-4 Lean-To Building when the radioisotope SPILL occurred?

    Am I skipping ahead too rapidly here? WHAT is the DAMAGE assessment?


    Bill Duff

    1. Excellent observations, and precisely the sorts of questions the MSM should be asking (but never do). Tepco has been taking fuel out of SFP4, so the overall radiation levels in the SFP room should be going down, not up. Something has gone awry. How serious? What are the implications?

      Here’s the truly insane thing. The fate of Japan, and to a large extent the fate of the planet, could depend on what happens in SFP4; yet hardly anyone is paying attention.

        1. At least Bill Duff has the decency to explain his arguments, cite his sources and provide useful information, unlike you, D Niall, who merely snipe from the sidelines. You have zero credibility on this site.

          1. I’m hardly worried about my credibility on this tinfoil hat propaganda site. I get my serious information elsewhere, I come here to see what doomsday Bill will announce next.

            1. Oh, and when previously pressed, Mr Bill Duff was unable to offer any substance for his outrageous claims, and could only change the subject and respond with insults and something about Hitlers testicles.

            2. I am interested to know where you go for ‘serious information’ about the Fukushima plant.

              1. You wouldn’t like it. Boring stuff about science and engineering. Bill Duff is more entertaining.

  5. Obviously they have some leakers or caused some damage to assemblies trying to remove them. These spent fuel pools under normal and not destroyed conditions have intake vents around the perimeter of the pool that vacuum up vapors to be analyzed so the condition of the pool can be monitored and prevents some radioactive offgassing from entering the building. Would really suck if other radiation was coming from somewhere else like from Unit 3.

    I wondered why the assemblies removal had slowed, now I know why. Problems. Now I wonder if all the easy-to-remove assemblies are out and only damaged ones are left for picking out.

    The common pool was to be emptied of older and cooler assemblies that qualified for dry cask storage thus making room for Unit 4’s fuel removal.

  6. Shut Down

    The time is right to shut down the Civilian Nuclear Reactor Subsidy, for no one can seriously contend that it is a ‘Commercial Electrical Power Industry’.

    Wall Street won’t touch it

    International Banksters won’t finance the nuclear money pit

    Commercial Insurers won’t underwrite a (real) policy

    To the best of my present understanding, not one nuclear power plant in the former united states of America can even pass a simple National Fire Code Inspection.

    It is time to ‘bring the curtain down’ on this regrettable and unforgettable act.


    Bill Duff

  7. MilliGrams (mg)

    A spill of 1 milligram (1/1,000 of a gram), of radiocesium, from 1 spent fuel rod, from 1 bundle; would seriously contaminate the NEW, Fukushima Daiichi Unit-4 Lean-To-Building.

    1 gram, of radiocesium would DECIMATE Disney World. Ten grams would ‘do’ Rhode Island.

    As the old, Brylcreem jingle went, ‘A little Dab’LL do you’.

    http www youtube com/ (watch?v=o6F4GtyRfto)

    So what quantity of radiocesium, radiostrontium … release has occurred in the FDU Spent Fuel Relocation effort?

    Or has something worse, than a few gram leakage, transpired?


    Bill Duff

  8. Bill always longed for a career in advertising.
    Surely the Nuclear Industry has a TV spot for him doing late night commercials.

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This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


February 2014