Groundwater level found sync with ebb and flow of the sea → Tepco to abandon the measuring point, “Not credible data”

Note : If you are from the international mass media, Don’t read this site before taking a contact with me.



Following up this article.. [Impervious wall broken ?] Groundwater level near the plant building in sync with ebb and flow of the sea [URL]


The boring point to measure the groundwater level in sync with ebb and flow of the sea will be abandoned, according to Tepco.

In the press conference of 12/13/2013, Tepco’s spokesman stated they won’t investigate the cause anymore. The reason wasn’t shown.

There are 8 borings in this seaside area of reactor2. The issued boring point is one of the oldest ones since this Summer.

However, Tepco concluded the data from the boring doesn’t have enough credibility, they are going to abandon the boring point.

The reason why they judged so wasn’t announced either.


In these 2.5 years since 311, every time a measuring point shows abnormality such as a thermometer of a reactor shows the rapid increase of temperature, or a groundwater level gauge shows the rapid increase of groundwater, they have been abandoning the points.

Tepco didn’t mention the connection of their abandoning this measuring point and the historical behavior of theirs.



I reject the international mass media to read this site without taking a contact with me.I know some of the mass media corporations read Fukushima Diary to understand the trend so they know when to report about Fukushima as if they were independently following it for a long time.
In short, they make you individual readers pay for this site while they pay nothing, and when they publish the “authorized news”, you pay for the “secondhand news”, which is nothing new for us.
This site is free for the individual readers, but not for corporations.In the world, this site is nearly the only source about Fukushima. I came here alone without any supporting organizations, background or anything. I’m not pleased to be exploited by the corporations that didn’t even properly report about Fukushima when 311 took place.

I demand them to take a contact with me BEFORE reading this site whatever the purpose is.


Français :

Eaux souterraines synchrones des marées → Tepco abandonne le point de mesure : “Données non crédibles”
Note : Si vous êtes de la grande presse internationale, ne lisez pas ce site sans avoir préalablement pris contact avec moi.


Article lié : [mur étanche cassé ?] Le niveau des eaux souterraines près des bâtiments est synchrone avec les marées et s’écoule vers la mer

Selon Tepco, le point de forage relevant un niveau des eaux souterraines synchrone des marées va être abandonné.
Au cours de la conférence de presse du 13 décembre 2013, le porte-parole de Tepco a affirmé qu’ils n’allaient plus en rechercher la cause. La raison n’en a pas été donnée.
Il y a 8 forages sur ce côté mer du réacteur 2. Le forage en question est l’un des plus ancien de cet été.
Néanmoins, Tepco conclus que les données issues de ce forage ne sont pas assez crédibles, donc ils l’abandonnent.
Les raisons fondant leur décision ne sont pas communiquées non plus.

Dans ces 2 ans et demi qui nous séparent du 11-3, chaque fois qu’un point de mesure a présenté des anomalies, comme un thermomètre ou une jauge de niveau d’eaux souterraines indiquant une montée rapide, ils ont abandonné les points.
Tepco ne précise pas non plus la relation entre l’abandon de ce point et leur attitude passée.

J’interdis à la grande presse internationale de lire et d’utiliser ce site sans préalablement prendre contact avec moi. Je sais que certaines grandes sociétés de presse lisent le Fukushima Diary pour comprendre la tendance et trouver quand rendre compte de la situation de Fukushima comme s’ils la suivaient indépendamment depuis longtemps.
En résumé, ils vous font payer à vous, simples lecteurs, ce qu’ils prennent gratuitement dans ce site et lorsqu’ils publient des “nouvelles de première main” vous payez pour des “nouvelles resucées”, qui n’ont rien de nouveau pour nous.
Ce site est gratuit pour les lecteurs individuels, pas pour les sociétés. Ce site est pratiquement la seule source au monde sur Fukushima. Je viens ici seul sans aucun soutien d’organisation quelconque, ni références, ni rien. Je n’apprécie pas de me faire exploiter par ces sociétés qui n’ont même pas été foutues de relater correctement ce qui se passait à Fukushima quand a eu lieu le mois de mars 2011.

Je leur demande de prendre contact avec moi AVANT de lire ce site dans quelque but que ce soit.

  1. Travel in the middle of the power station of Fukushima

    Le Monde | 17.12.2013 at 11:53 • Updated 18.12.2013 at 10:49 | By Pierre Le Hir

    “…For the first time, Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), manager of the power station of Fukushima, authorized a group of journalists to be penetrated inside the site, Monday, December 16, accompanied by persons in charge of the French Institute of radiation protection and nuclear safety (IRSN). Representatives of nonJapanese media had already been able to reach it, but with the dropper and on lottery. Nothing like it this time.

    …In turn, one passes from a green zone, where the exposure to the radioactivity is lower than 20 millisieverts a year (mSv/an) – the international limit for the workers of the nuclear power, pushed to 50 mSv/an for the employees of Tepco –, at a yellow zone (between 20 mSv and 50 mSv), finally a red zone (more than 50 mSv), whose police stopping filters the access.

    For the checkpoint of the atomic site, where bus is changed, one needs s’équiper of an individual dosemeter, to thread surchaussures, to pass from the cotton gloves, to cover the mouth and the nose of a mask. Instructions are given to wear long sleeves, to limit the exposure of the skin. The employees assigned to the “hot” parts more of the power station, them, still dressed in the integral combinations and the masks with activated carbon. “No photograph here”.

    …Read: Did Tepco lie on the management of contaminated water?

    “To decrease the level of irradiation of rejected water, we need additional equipment of treatment, recognizes a framework of Tepco. It is also necessary to improve the reliability of the tanks and pipings of the unit of the site. And to set up barriers to prevent the flows towards the ocean. ”

    See the video: To understand the situation with Fukushima in two minutes


    The bus goes down then towards the sea front, which was submerged by the giant wave. It is here that the four engines disaster victims are installed. And here that one carries out the width of the damage, at the same time as accomplished superhuman work, under often appalling conditions, by the 30,000 “liquidators” who, for soon three years, have taken turns day and night to avoid urgently and make safe the site.

    Read: Fukushima: in the hell of the “liquidators”

    Along the buildings, turbines still pile up, with the shift, of the trucks collapsed by the tsunami, whose rust and salt corrode sheets. Technical premises, perforated of all shares, are nothing any more but skeletons where the wind is engulfed. Only the enclosure of engine 2 is about unscathed. The high parts of slices 1.3 and 4 were puffed up by explosions. Engine 3, it remains nothing any more but the lower half, while a metal cap was posed on the first and that a steel and concrete superstructure was built in overhang of the fourth, to begin the evacuation of fuel of its swimming pool of storage.

    It is here, as, as Tepco undertook to build a 900 meters length wall, to stop the groundwater arrivals contaminated towards the Pacific. In this narrow band separating from the coast the line of the engines, strengthened today by large stone bags, the dosemeter of the IRSN climbs brutally to 1 mSv per hour: the maximum amount for the public over one year whole.


    “We succeeded in reducing the radioactivity considerably, but there remain still places where one records 1 mSv/hour”, Hirohisa Kuwabara, assistant editor of the power station admits. “Our objective, he announces, is to bring back the radioactivity of the site to a tenth of its current level, from here at one year, while continuing to remove the remains projected by the hydrogen explosions and by replacing the surface layer of the ground by bitumen. ”

    Of return to the checkpoint, the individual dosemeters display 0.02 mSv after a two hours visit. It would thus have been necessary to spend four days whole on the site to receive the maximum annual amount. The employees of Tepco and its cascade of subcontractors for crossed the red line much. Officially, since March 2011, 173 of them exceeded 100 mSv, including six beyond 250 mSv, most exposed having received 678 mSv.

    To also see: “Central of Fukushima: at least forty years of dismantling”

    Pierre Le Hir
    Journalist in the World To follow To go on the page of this journalist

    A condemned territory

    Catastrophe After the earthquake and the tsunami of March 11th, 2011 (nearly 20,000 victims), the explosions in the power station of Fukushima caused the most serious catastrophe of the history of the civil atom after that of Tchernobyl (1986). Both were classified at the maximum level of 7 on the scale of the nuclear events.

    Contamination the area of Fukushima will remain contaminated during decades. The territory is soiled by the cesium 137 which should disappear only at the end of three hundred years. More than 2 million Japanese will have to be the object of a medical monitoring during thirty years.”

    Full, original article here:


  2. To summarize TEmPCO’s strategem.

    If you don’t like the answers,
    don’t collect the data.

    Pioneered by former TEmPCO employee ‘Doctor Data’,
    of whom they are rapidly running out of clones.

    Quote: “Tepco concluded the data from the boring doesn’t have enough credibility”

    Isn’t that like the “pot calling the kettle black”?

    “Smile, it can confound biometrics” 🙂

  3. The ‘Greens’ and ‘Watermelons’ ‘wake up & smell the coffee’.

    http berkeley granicus com/ (MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=906dfc02-b95e-1031-8121-35eaf3043912)

    50. Reduce Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Dangers (Continued from December 3, 2013)
    From: Councilmember Worthington

    Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution urging the United Nations to form an International Independent Commission of Experts (IICE) to formulate a plan to reduce the radiation being released from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and instructing the City’s Health Department to research and inform the public regarding elevated risk from seafood and other Pacific basin products, and to educate the population of Berkeley regarding specific treatments for radiation exposure and have in place emergency procedures to administer treatment, if necessary, to mitigate radiation exposure. Copies of the resolution to be sent to the U.N. General Assembly, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power, President Barack Obama Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Barbara Boxer, Congresswoman and Representative to the 68th Session of the U.N. General Assembly Barbara Lee, and Governor Jerry Brown.

    Contact: Kriss Worthington, Councilmember, District 7, 981-7170

    http www ci Berkeley ca us/ (Clerk/City_Council/2013/12Dec/Documents/2013-12-17_Item_50_Reduce_Fukushima_Daiichi) aspx

    “The radiation has raised concerns over contaminated food, whether it is fish in the ocean or food grown in the soil. The biodiversity of the Pacific Ocean is at risk if radiation continues to be released at its current alarming rate. This leads to the proliferation of radiation in the food chain, eventually exposing humans.”

  4. Tepco….why not abandon the whole site and go read some electricity meters so we can get an A team in there.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


December 2013