Ibaraki elementary school to have a “rice-planting” class for 9~12 y.o students in 270 Bq/Kg / “Come with socks”

An elementary school in Ibaraki prefecture is going to hold a “rice-planting” class for 9~10 and 11~12 years old students.

It’s “N” elementary school in Ushiku city. (Probably the school doesn’t expect to have the name known all over the world, so Fukushima Diary covers it. However you can access their website from the source on the bottom of this article.)


They published the announcement to state the radioactive density (Probably they mean Cesium-134/137) is only 270 Bq/Kg, which is lower than the average of the rice fields of the city to be 296.8 Bq/Kg.

One of the parents leaked the handout on Twitter. Possibly the school tried to mean it’s safe by stating the radioactive density, however it’s nearly 3 times much as the food safety limit. There is no merit of the children to take a risk of being dipped in the radioactive mud.


The school requires the students to wear socks to prevent from injured, however the parent comment on Twitter, “Radiation exposure is more serious than minor injury in the rice field.” The person also says, “We are called nervous or monster only because we are worried about radiation.”


From their school schedule below, the rice-planting class in 270 Bq/Kg mud will be held on 5/15/2014.








You read this now because we’ve been surviving until today.


Français :

Une école primaire d’Ibaraki va faire une classe de “repiquage de riz” pour élèves de 9 à 12 ans, dans du 270 Bq/kg : “Venez avec des chaussettes”


Une école primaire de la préfecture d’Ibaraki va faire une classe de “repiquage de riz” pour élèves de 9 à 10 ans et 11 et 12 ans.
C’est l’école primaire “N” dans la commune de Ushiku. (l’école ne pensait sans doute pas que son nom fasse le tour du monde, donc le Fukushima Diary le communique. On peut toutefois accéder à leur site web à partir de la source de la fin de cet article.)

Ils onr publié un communiqué affirmant que la radioactivité (ils veulent sans doute parler du césium 134/137) n’est que de 270 Bq/kg, ce qui est inférieur à la moyenne des rizières de la commune qui est de 296.8 Bq/kg.
Un des parents a publié le communiqué sur Twitter. L’école essayait sans doute de dire que c’était sans risque en annonçant une radioactivité néanmoins près de trois fois supérieure à la limite de sécurité de la nourriture. Il n’y a aucun mérite pour les enfants à prendre un tel risque que d’aller se détremper dans une boue radioactive.

L’école exige que les élèves portent des chaussettes pour se protéger des blessures. Le parent déclare néanmoins sur Twitter que “l’exposition à la radioactivité est bien plus grave que des égratignures dans une rizière”. Cette personne ajoute également que “On nous traite de nerveux ou de monstres uniquement parce qu’on s’inquiète sur la radioactivité”.

Selon le planning de l’école donné ci-dessous, la classe de repiquage de riz dans de la boue à 270 Bq/kg est prévue pour le 15 mai 2014.


Vous pouvez lire ceci parce que nous avons survécu jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

  1. Contact Hazard

    RadioCesium is adsorbed/absorbed through contact with the skin. It is not necessary to eat or breath it. Mere contact is sufficient to cause bodily harm, depending on: time exposure, concentration, washing off after exposure, cuts, scrapes, water temperature, salinity, PH and various other variables.

    RadioCesium is a Contact Hazard

  2. Just a thought,

    Perhaps we should give PayPal about 3 days to fix this mess; before 10,000 ‘Friends of Iori’, begin to seriously screw their world.

    Iori Mochizuki-sensei is a world renowned journalist. He has scooped the rest of the world wide press corps about 5,000 times, on matters pertaining to the ONGOING Fukushima disaster. and is always on the cutting edge.

    It will keep that long, probably without any lasting damage. In my humble personal opinion, PayPal should ‘do some serious sucking up’, to make amends for this gross indiscretion on their part.

    Perhaps PayPal should be given a brief interval to redeem themselves.

    I will hold off a few days …

  3. “Japan is also understood to be prepared to re-start some of its nuclear plants”

    News > World > World Politics Oliver Wright, Whitehall Editor, Friday 09 May 2014 http www independent co uk/ (news/world/politics/exclusive-west-draws-up-plan-to-disarm-russias-energy-supply-threat-9341096) html

    Ukraine crisis EXCLUSIVE: US and Europe planning to ‘cut off’ Russia’s gas supply

    Exclusive: G7 leaders are expected to sign off on an ’emergency response plan’ to assist Ukraine this winter if its neighbour restricts gas supplies Britain is drawing up plans with the US and other European countries to “disarm” the threat of President Vladimir Putin using Russian gas and oil supplies as “a weapon” against Ukraine and its Eastern European neighbours. Under the G7 proposals, support would be given to build several new liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals across Europe, while the US would lift restrictions on the export of shale gas. At the same time, the EU will invest in new pipelines to move gas from West to East and increase supply routes from North Africa. Senior Government sources said the ongoing crisis had “concentrated minds”, particularly in Europe, over the energy threat and said there was for the first time a “clear consensus” to take action.

    Japan is also understood to be prepared to re-start some of its nuclear plants that were mothballed in the wake of the Fukushima disaster. Japan is now one of the largest importers of LNG, which has pushed up prices to record levels.

  4. Fukushima Animal Radiation Response 2X Chernobyl

    http enenews com/ (expert-theres-just-very-few-of-the-birds-left-in-the-high-contamination-from-fukushimas-plant-things-are-not-looking-good-we-noticed-spider-webs-looked-strange-photo-anim)

    Expert: “There’s just very few of the birds left” in the high contamination from Fukushima plant, “things are not looking good” — Spider webs looked ‘strange’ (PHOTO) — Animals response to radiation over twice as bad as in Chernobyl — “Implies effects are stronger in Fukushima” (VIDEO)

    Public Radio Exchange, Donna Descoteaux, Oct. 2013: Dr. Timothy Mousseau, a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of South Carolina […] shares with us the results of his research at Chernobyl and Fukushima, which shows significant increases in genetic damage, birth defects in animals and humans, increased tumor rates and developmental abnormalities, biodiversity in decline, local extinction of some species and transmission of mutations over generations. […] Dr. Mousseau’s research is critical and alarming […] http www prx org/ (pieces/104331-what-are-the-long-term-effects-of-nuclear-accident#description)

  5. Fukushima tripled the radioactive cesium in the North Pacific

    California Coastal Commission Report on the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Disaster and Radioactivity along the California Coast.

    http documents coastal ca gov/ (reports/2014/5/F10b-5-2014) pdf

    F10b, April 30, 2014, TO: Coastal Commissioners and Interested Parties, FROM: Charles Lester, Executive Director, Alison Dettmer, Deputy Director, Joseph Street, Environmental Scientist

    SUBJECT: Report on the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Disaster and Radioactivity along the California Coast.

    Coastal Commission staff has received numerous inquiries on the March 2011 accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. Attached for your information is a report investigating the release of radioactivity materials during the disaster and the implications for residents of California. Staff’s conclusions are presented in the summary below, and in greater detail in the attached briefing report.

    “the Fukushima disaster approximately doubled the amount of 137Cs in the North Pacific, and given that 134Cs and 137Cs were released from Fukushima in an approximate 1:1 ratio, may initially have tripled the total amount of radioactive cesium in the North Pacific”

  6. Tippy Toeing Around

    California Coastal Commission Report on the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Disaster and Radioactivity along the California Coast.

    The bottom line is … apparently … the initial wavefront of the Fukushima Daiichi Cesium-134 (Signature Isotope) has drifted into California coastal waters.

    The Cesium-134 is measurable in the fish. It was apparently just arriving as the most recent Kelp measurements were taken. Thus the CCC can still report it is not in the KELP, yet.

    No doubt the initial announcement will stress that ‘There Is No Immediate Danger to the Public’ and ‘Barely Detectable’, and below the recently and dramatically raised Intervention Levels. That is the Orwellian ‘group-speak’, which we have become accustomed to hearing from the ‘Team Nuke’, shills, sock-puppets and trolls. The ocean current borne, nuclear fallout contamination levels in the California Coastal Waters will gradually increase for the next 5 years or so.


    Bill Duff

    1. Not even the kelp in Hawaii and Guam.

      http kelpwatch berkeley edu

      … and yes. Less than 1 Bq/kg in fish is both;

      ‘Barely Detectable’ and ‘No Immediate Danger to the Public’

      1. A drift Cs-134, non-detect in Hawai’i remains plausible, this month.

        Non-Detects along the Alaska and Washington State Coastlines, are not credible, on their face. So, error, instrument failure, or fraud, it matters little.

        Oregon, barely in the realm of possibility.

        California and Baja, are still SEMI plausible Non-Detects, for about a couple of weeks.

        Not buying, what they are selling, in the KELP Project. Not very gawdamn likely. IMHPO.

        No Sale

  7. Delay Tactics

    Team Nuke gathered the Kelp last winter;

    The new results are from samples primarily collected from Feb. 24 through March 14 as part of Kelp Watch 2014.

    Pure Delay tactic

  8. Delay

    http www statesmanjournal com/ (story/tech/science/environment/2014/05/07/fukushima-radiation-found-west-coast-kelp/8808955/)

    The samples analyzed to date were gathered from as far north as Kodiak Island, Alaska, to as far south as Baja California.

    The project also has Giant Kelp from Chile in South America that will serve as a “Fukushima-free” reference site, far removed from any potential influence from the nuclear power plant.

    1. Um … sweetie? What are you talking about?

      You become more and more frantic and incoherent every day.

      Scientists collected seaweed from around the pacific in February and March. It was analyzed and the data released in May. No Fukushima contamination was detected.

      1. Weak Skills and Liars, in the main …

        Team Nuke ‘Scientists’ are apparently NOT ‘the cream of the crop’.

        The ‘Field of Nuclear Power Engineering’ is, well to be frank, quite deplorable. I would NOT buy a used car from those guys.

        A pack of liars and incompetents, it would appear.

        Sad Sacks

        1. Call them incompetent all you like, but ‘team nuke’ are running 430 nuclear reactors in 31 countries, and you are babbling to yourself on a blog which doesn’t know which way the radiation symbol is supposed to point.

          1. Down for the Count.

            The count of nuclear power plants appears to be tottering, on the brink. Germany is leaving. France is cutting back. The USA reactors are losing money. Japan has ‘Done Without’ for over 3 years now.

            WE are going to reduce the number of these uneconomic and dangerous hulks, to the level of a small experiment. For the purpose of maintaining our preparation level, and options, in an uncertain world.

            There are no more dinosaur eggs, and soon there will be no dinosaurs.

            Thanks for playing.

          2. Decline

            http www worldnuclearreport org/ (World-Nuclear-Report-2013) html

            It looks like Figure 1 shows the Peak Nuke was about 2006. Since then, the uneconomic and dangerous industry has had the dwindles. The so-called ‘Nuclear Renaissance’ fizzled.

            Game over, as an industry, is just around the corner. Now it is merely a collection of liabilities, with no value whatsoever.

            Game Over

  9. Error, Data Diddling, Delay and Fraud

    The various Oceanic models predict landfall of Fukushima radioactive contamination, right about now. And these indicators have been fairly accurate until now.

    So, the notion that DRIFTED Cesium 134 has not been detected along the Alaska Coast and/or Guam; appears SILLY, In My Humble Personal Opinion.

    Just more managing of the population, again IMHPO.


  10. Saturated Fat and Skepticism

    http www nationalreview com/ (article/377275/saturated-fat-and-skepticism-mona-charen)

    By Mona Charen, May 6, 2014 12:00 AM

    The scientific community is not immune to politics, bias, and self-interest.

    The headline looks like a hoax — saturated fat does not cause heart disease — but it’s real. This news is more than just another example of changing health guidelines. It’s a cautionary tale about trusting the scientific consensus. For more than 50 years, the best scientific minds in America assured us that saturated fat was the enemy. Animal fat, we were instructed, was the chief culprit in causing obesity, Type II diabetes, and heart disease.

    Throughout my adult life, I have conscientiously followed the guidelines dispensed by the health arbiters of our age. Trusting utterly in the scientific research of the American Heart Association, the CDC, and the USDA, I accepted the nearly universal wisdom of the medical and nutritional experts. Boy, did I accept. I practically banned red meat from my diet for decades.

    Now, the Annals of Internal Medicine declares that beef, butter, and cream do not cause heart disease. Women whose total cholesterol levels are high live longer than those with lower levels.

    The moral of this story is not to ignore science, but to stay skeptical. The scientific method remains the best way yet devised to ascertain truth. But the scientific establishment is hardly immune to politics, fads, bias, and self-interest. Bad science is endemic. As The Economist noted in October, “half of all published research cannot be replicated . . . and that may be optimistic.”

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


May 2014