Tepco “More fuel debris possibly melted through to reactor3 primary containment vessel than expected”

Note : If you are from the international mass media, Don’t read this site before taking a contact with me.



It may be more than originally simulated the volume of molten fuel debris that melted through RPV (the reactor pressure vessel) in reactor3, according to Tepco.

On 12/13/2013, Tepco published the investigation report about the unverified events on 311.

In this report, Tepco admitted the possibility that the injected coolant water wasn’t sufficient from 3/13/2011. Based on this assumption, the actual molten fuel debris that melted through RPV may be more than what used to be simulated.

They evaluate the fire-engines injected the sufficient volume of water, but possibly it reached the condensers etc.. instead of the RPV.

Tepco "More fuel debris may have melted through to reactor3 primary containment vessel than expected"





I reject the international mass media to read this site without taking a contact with me.I know some of the mass media corporations read Fukushima Diary to understand the trend so they know when to report about Fukushima as if they were independently following it for a long time.
In short, they make you individual readers pay for this site while they pay nothing, and when they publish the “authorized news”, you pay for the “secondhand news”, which is nothing new for us.
This site is free for the individual readers, but not for corporations.In the world, this site is nearly the only source about Fukushima. I came here alone without any supporting organizations, background or anything. I’m not pleased to be exploited by the corporations that didn’t even properly report about Fukushima when 311 took place.

I demand them to take a contact with me BEFORE reading this site whatever the purpose is.


Français :

Tepco : “Il y a sans doute eu plus de combustible fondu ayant franchi la PCV3 que ce qu’on le pensait
Note : Si vous êtes de la grande presse internationale, ne lisez pas ce site sans avoir préalablement pris contact avec moi.


Selon Tepco, il se peut que le volume de combustible fondu passé à travers la RPV (l’enceinte pressurisée du réacteur) du réacteur 3 soit plus important que celui de la simulation de départ.

Le 13 décembre 2013, Tepco publie le rapport d’enquête sur les évènements non confirmés du 11-3.
Dans ce rapport, Tepco reconnaît qu’il est possible que le liquide de refroidissement injecté n’était plus suffisant dès le 13 mars 2011. Selon cette hypothèse, la quantité réelle de combustible fondu qui est passée à travers la RPV a du être plus importante que celle utilisée dans la simulation.
Ils estiment que les camions anti-incendie ont fourni assez d’eau mais qu’il est possible qu’elle soit partie dans les condensateurs, soit etc., au lieu de la RPV.

Tepco "More fuel debris may have melted through to reactor3 primary containment vessel than expected"


J’interdis à la grande presse internationale de lire et d’utiliser ce site sans préalablement prendre contact avec moi. Je sais que certaines grandes sociétés de presse lisent le Fukushima Diary pour comprendre la tendance et trouver quand rendre compte de la situation de Fukushima comme s’ils la suivaient indépendamment depuis longtemps.
En résumé, ils vous font payer à vous, simples lecteurs, ce qu’ils prennent gratuitement dans ce site et lorsqu’ils publient des “nouvelles de première main” vous payez pour des “nouvelles resucées”, qui n’ont rien de nouveau pour nous.
Ce site est gratuit pour les lecteurs individuels, pas pour les sociétés. Ce site est pratiquement la seule source au monde sur Fukushima. Je viens ici seul sans aucun soutien d’organisation quelconque, ni références, ni rien. Je n’apprécie pas de me faire exploiter par ces sociétés qui n’ont même pas été foutues de relater correctement ce qui se passait à Fukushima quand a eu lieu le mois de mars 2011.

Je leur demande de prendre contact avec moi AVANT de lire ce site dans quelque but que ce soit.

  1. US Nuclear Officials: Fuel fragments were likely ejected from cladding at the 3 Fukushima reactors — Particles of fuel resemble highly radioactive ‘mystery black substance’ often seen in Japan since 3/11 (PHOTOS)

    Published: December 10th, 2013 at 1:25 pm ETBy ENENews


    NRC: NUREG-2121 “Fuel Fragmentation, Relocation, and Dispersal During the Loss-of-Coolant Accident”, Published March 2012: In light of recent results from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) research program […] a comprehensive review of past research programs for observations related to the phenomena of fuel fragmentation, relocation, and dispersal [was conducted]. […] Fuel dispersal is the ejection of fuel fragments or particles through a rupture or opening in the cladding. […] Fuel fragmentation—that is, fracture of the fuel pellet into large fragments—appears to occur as soon as any meaningful amount of burnup is accumulated, as low as a few megawatt days per metric ton uranium. Fragmentation in irradiated fuel occurred in all but one case for which it was assessed. The only case in which it did not occur was in an unirradiated fuel rod. […] The review of existing data confirms that fragmentation appears to almost always occur, regardless of burnup and other variables […] Said in another way, the review of existing data confirms that fuel fragmentation and subsequent relocation are real physical phenomena expected under LOCA conditions. Therefore, given that these physical phenomena are expected and with the move to best-estimate methodologies, accounting for the impact of fuel relocation is appropriate. […]


    NRC: Generic Issue Proposal — Fuel Dispersal During a LOCA, Oct. 7, 2011: Fuel particles can be expelled from ballooned and ruptured fuel rods during a LOCA. […] the phenomenon can occur well below the regulatory limits […] Potential damages include (but are not limited to) increased radiological activity levels in the coolant and containment, displaced heat load potentially causing flashing of coolant (particularly at pump inlets), erosion of pump components due to entrained fuel particles […] Fuel dispersal is expected to occur in almost every instance where a LOCA results in failed fuel rods […] Fuel dispersal occurred in the TMI-2 accident, and likely occurred in the Fukushima Dai-Ichi accident (based on indications of severe core damage). […] The phenomenon of fuel dispersal is important because of its potential consequences, described above, and because it is currently not taken into account in safety analyses. We believe that fuel dispersal could have a significant impact on debris load, as well as temperature of the coolant, during the reflood and recirculation phases of a LOCA. […]

  2. http pbadupws nrc gov/ (docs/ML1129/ML112930079) pdf

    NRC: Generic Issue Proposal — Fuel Dispersal During a LOCA, Oct. 7, 2011:

  3. http pbadupws nrc gov/ (docs/ML1209/ML12090A018) pdf

    Fuel Fragmentation, Relocation, and Dispersal During the Loss-of-Coolant Accident

  4. A significant portion of the FDU-3 Fuel and fission products was ejected into the atmosphere in the most energetic civilian nuclear explosion in history. The FDU-3 explosion, was a supersonic DETONATION; unlike TMI, Chernobyl and FDU-1 and FDU-2, which were (merely) subsonic deflagrations.

    The FDU-3 detonation released sufficient NEUTRONS to induce gamma radiation in previously inert, structural metals about the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. This phenomenon is a telltale sign of open-air-fission; which is in this case, an atomic explosion of the MOX Fuel. Recent GammaCam photos are reportedly showing 20 Sieverts/Hour INDUCED radiation in FDNPP structural members. Previous GammaCam models ‘pegged out’ at 10Sv/Hr, if memory serves. So the ACTUAL gamma emmissions are still ‘Off the Scale’.


    Bill Duff

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


December 2013