Possibility of Tepco to have broken the heating gauge on purpose


Following up this article..Another heating gauge is showing increasing temperature

The heating gauge of CRD housing has been showing the same trend of temperature as the broken heating gauge.
This thermometer is attached under the bottom of reactor.

Possibility of Tepco to have broken the heating gauge on purpose2

Until Tepco “tested” the heating gauge, those 2 showed the same trend. Just after their testing, the gauge started showing abnormal temperature.

Possibility of Tepco to have broken the heating gauge on purpose


From looking at the graph, both of the gauges of CRD housing and bottom of the reactor showed the same temperature until it reached 93.7 ℃.

Possibility of Tepco to have broken the heating gauge on purpose3


After the broken gauge made a huge leap, the survived gauge of CRD housing kept showing the steadily increasing trend.

At 23:00 2/13/2012, it went over 100℃, which denies cold shutdown.

The gauge of CRD housing had already been labeled as “broken” but there is no explanation why.

If they thought that was broken, it contradicts that Tepco was following after the heating gauge on the bottom of the reactor until 2/13/2012.




  1. >>The gauge of CRD housing had already been labeled as “broken” but there is no explanation why.

    The CRD Housing Upper Part sensor has negative readings (from -6,3C to -197,1C) at 2012/1/17 11:00 – 2012/1/19 11:00, that`s why it had already been labeled as “broken”.

    There is a good explanation how and why the thermocouples can have false positive and false negative readings when they are installed in a warm place: http://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=3762003&postcount=12343

    With best regards,
    Russian Linux-tester.

    1. A = Possibility of that Tepco broke the gauge.
      B = Possibility of that 2 broken gauges show exactly the same trend at once.

      Which one do you think it’s likely ?

  2. Magnitude 6.2 quake in same location as recent M5.5 near Fukushima — “Very Shallow” (MAP) http://ene­news.com/?­p=26424
    I expect to see higher levels of radiation now along with increased temp. below the RPV’s……

    Here is why:
    The Corium(s), I think one or more of the corium(s) are plunging (in slow motion) downward into the soil below the complex and are being helped along by Gravity (because of their great Mass), Earth Quakes and they are already interactin­g with the groundwate­r (as it rises and falls due to rainfall and or snow fall in the higher elevations above Fukushima)­!

  3. Mochizuki,
    Could you double check the older temp readings for CRD as
    reported by Tepco. I have been following coverage of Fukushima
    daily since the beginning, and I don’t remember (could be wrong) the
    CRD temps being as high as they are in this graph. The readings closely
    mirror those of the ‘broken’ temp probe. I could swear that i saw temperature
    graphs put out by Tepco within the last week or so showing the CRD temps
    20 to 30 degrees or so below the ‘broken’ temp probe. In other words this
    is the first graph i have seen showing CRD temps essentially the same as
    the ‘broken’ probe. I’ve tried looking at older graphs from links on your
    site and others but when I download them from Tepco the pdf files wont open.
    This is the first time I’ve had problem with looking at the graphs from
    Thanks for all your hard work, You da Man!

  4. I was thinking the same thing, in that even if the one with the highest temperature is broken, the others were still rising along with it. Obviously, something is going on, and it’s not just a simple matter of a single broken gauge.

  5. Dear readers.

    A containment is a PRESSURE COOKER.
    It cooks the reactor core, if a 1st power burst (a steam or hydrogen
    explosion) set the reactor dry or if the MCPs lost power. Same principle.
    If a reactor is dry, it heats up by 100°C every 0,1 seconds.
    At 2800°C the UO² reactor fuel melts.
    But the control rods (to SCRAM the reactor) melt earlier.
    Controls rods are made of:
    cadmium (melting point: 321°C) silver (961°C) indium (156°C).

    Cladding Zirconion: 1857°C melting point

    You loose the rods, then the cladding, then the fuel,
    then it is vaporized.
    The real radiation is 100 times higher, than they admit.
    Actual reactor fuel is IN the environment.
    GAMMA on the way.

    Quote from pro TEPCO article: http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201112010004 “As for the No. 2 and No. 3 reactors, most of the melted fuel stayed within the pressure vessel, TEPCO added.” THEY ADMIT, that Fuel left the containment, but the containment stayed stable

    Cooking under pressure.

    covered up by IAEA, which lets is stupid brother talk to the United Nations: the UNFAIR UNSCEAR

  6. Looking at the graph linked to above by Mochizuki, could it be that there is
    a blob of corium that is working its way down to the bottom of the RPV. The supposedly ‘broken’ probe is on of three at the same height in the RPV but they are placed equally 120 degrees apart around the circumference of the RPV. I think there is a blob of corium that fell near the ‘broken’ temp probe and is working its way down the radius of the bottom of the RPV towards the CRD probe. Notice how the temps of the broke probe fall as the CRD temps rise. I don’t think it will be long before this blob wil be falling through the bottom of the RPV. Tepco is injecting so much water that the other probe temps are actually going down slightly but the two hot probes (CRD and ‘broken’) are showing the movement of the blob. This blob is also what is producing all the steam seen in the endoscope video camera inserted by Tepco.
    Maybe this theory could explain all of the temp readings.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


February 2012