[Column] Japan may seek solution of Fukushima in drifting to the right

Japan is going to have the 3rd prime minister after 311 from the election planned on 12/16.
The new prime minister is likely to be Abe of LDP. He is known to be right wing.
Also, Ishihara, the former Tokyo governor joined the party of Hashimoto, the Osaka mayor, and both of them are radical right wing.

These three parties are anticipated to get united and dominate the major part of House of Representatives, which is a quite similar political situation of Japan to the one during WWW2.
There is no powerful left wing in Japan, so it is impossible to take a balance.

These three political powers have been insisting to change Japanese constitution, including article 9 (The renunciation of war). The recent conflict between China and Japan over the far south island called Senkaku / Diaoyu was caused by Ishihara and media spread the atmosphere of war time and arouse the feeling of patriotism.
Sometimes it’s compared to Falklands war but it is very different because they are the 2nd and 3rd economically largest countries. Self-protective atmosphere of the people would make it easier for them to change the constitution, and if they manage to change the constitution, conscription can also be legalized. In the current Japanese constitution, conscription is banned.

They have already been misleading the people by using the feeling of patriotism since just after 311. The famous slogan is “Support by eating”, “Let’s share the pain”,  and also “Kizuna / Emotional bond”. They were used to make people consume contaminated food and spread disaster debris all around in Japan.
Whatever the intention was, people did not attack each other for the very limited clean food and the potential cancer rate may become flat so even if the cancer rate jumps up in Fukushima, they can tell it’s not only in Fukushima, it’s every where in Japan thanks to those propagandas.

Some of the Japanese people are afraid that the right wing power may use the patriotism more directly for Fukushima accident -conscription.

So far, Japanese government is still holding the policy to let people live in Fukushima by decontaminating. However, decontaminating all around in Fukushima prefecture is estimated to cost 10~100 trillion yen though it’s so much cheaper to give the money to each family to let them move.

Three possible reasons are suggested why they stick to this irrational policy.

  1. To keep the body of Fukushima prefectural government for the employment.
  2. To keep the salary and retirement salary of the public officers in Fukushima prefecture.
  3. To keep Fukushima citizens remaining near the plant for the supply of plant workers.

Whatever the reason is, it is starting to be known that entire decontamination is impossible (Radiation is still being leaked from Fukushima plants every single second.) technically, and financially.

In October, Tepco decided to send all the employees for Fukushima. This is mandatory and they have to go twice or three times a year.
However, this would be still not enough to take the human-wave tactics to decommission Fukushima plant.

What some of the Japanese people are afraid of is that the government impose the idea on people that going to Fukushima plant is patriotic. (meaning, un-patriotic people would not go to Fukushima plant.)
Japanese government took the same tactics during WWW2 to recruit students for army. People were called “Hikokumin (=Un-Japanese)” if they reject going to the battle field and oppose the war.
Japanese people tend to have strong group mind and they are very sensitive for peer pressure so this propaganda can easily control Japanese people.

They have already started sending high school students to the disaster area for clean up the debris etc..It’s likely that they make it a credit necessary to graduate from schools to go to Fukushima (plant).

In Chernobyl, 600,000 ~ 800,000 workers were conscripted to settle down the plant. Most of them are told to have already died.
In Japan, 3~4 reactors exploded and each reactor still has spent fuel pool. This is something that nobody has ever encountered in human history. It is almost impossible to estimate how much it costs until decommissioning and how many workers would be needed in total. Roughly estimated, it can be 4 times much as Chernobyl, which is 2,400,000 ~ 3,200,000 people to be conscripted and die.
Fukushima conscription is different from ordinary conscription in the meaning that all of the conscripted people would be exposed to drastically shorten their lives. They would be all promised to die in the miserable way.

These three political powers are for nuclear power. Thanks to the media propaganda and uncreative handling of protests, anti-nuclear movement had become not influent over the political situation anymore. People are starting to believe nuclear power is necessary for economic growth again regardless of the fact that Japan has not made any economic growth for these 20 years even with nuclear power.

If they restart other nuclear plants in Japan, the shortage of nuclear workers will be more serious.

To spread the propaganda such as “Support by eating”, billions of yen was paid for media by the government. The website of “Support by eating” is hosted by “Dentsu”, the Japanese largest advertisement company. Spreading patriotism would be a new big business.




[Editoriale] Il Giappone potrebbe cercare la soluzione per Fukushima virando a destra

Il Giappone avrà il terzo primo ministro dopo l’11.03 dalle elezioni pianificate per il 16/12.
Il nuovo primo ministro sarà probabilmente Abe del LDP. E’ conosciuto per essere di destra.
Inoltre Ishihara, il governatore di Tokyo è entrato nel partito di Hashimoto, il sindaco di Osaka, ed entrambi appartengono alla destra.

Questi tre partiti hanno anticipato l’unione e dominano la maggior parte della camera dei rappresentanti, una situazione politica simile a quella del Giappone durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Non c’è una sinistra dotata di potere in Giappone, quindi è impossibile che la situazione sia bilanciata.

Questi tre poteri politici hanno insistito nel cambiare la costituzione giapponese, includendo l’articolo 9. Il recente conflitto tra la Cina e il Giappone a proposito della lontana isola a sud chiamata Senkaku / Dayou, è stato causato da Ishihara e i media hanno diffuso l’atmosfera di guerra e alimentato il sentimento di patriottismo.
A volte è comparata alla guerra delle Falkland, ma è molto differente, perchè si tratta del secondo e terzo paese per l’importanza economica. L’atmosfera autoprotettiva delle persone renderebbe le cose più facili per loro per cambiare la costituzione, e se loro lavoreranno per farlo la coscrizione potrebbe anche essere legalizzata. Nella attuale costituzione giapponese la coscrizione è vietata.

Hanno già fuorviato le persone usando il sentimento di patriottismo da poco dopo l’11.03. I famosi slogan sono “Supporto attraverso il cibo”, “condividiamo il dolore” e anche “Kizuna / Legame emozionale”. Sono stati usati per far consumare alle persone il cibo contaminato e diffondere le scorie del disastro in giro per il Giappone.
Qualunque fosse l’intenzione le persone non si sono attaccate l’un l’altra per il poco cibo pulito rimasto e i casi di cancro potenziali sono aumentati, così anche se i casi di cancro aumentano a Fukushima possono dire che non si tratta solo di Fukushima, ma di ogni parte del Giappone, grazie alla propaganda.

Alcuni giapponesi sono spaventati che il potere a destra potrebbe usare il patriottismo più direttamente per l’incidente-coscrizione di Fukushima.

Fino ad ora il governo giapponese ha tenuto la linea di lasciare le persone vivere a Fukushima decontaminandola. Comunque, decontaminare tutta la prefettura di Fukushima si stima che costerà 10~100 trilioni di yen anche se sarebbe molto più economico dare i soldi alle famiglie per trasferirsi.

Tre possibili ragioni suggeriscono perchè continuino con questa irrazionale politica:
1. Mantenere l’occupazione del corpo del governo della prefettura di Fukushima.
2. Mantenere i salari e le riscossioni dei pubblici ufficiali nella prefettura di Fukushima.
3. Tenere i cittadini di Fukushima accanto all’impianto per supportare i lavoratori dell’impianto.

Qualunque sia la ragione, si comincia a sapere che l’intera decontaminazione è impossibile (le radiazioni stanno ancora fuoriuscendo dall’impianto di Fukushima ogni secondo) tecnicamente e finanziariamente.

A Ottobre la Tepco ha deciso di mandare tutti gli impiegati a Fukushima. Questo è obbligatorio e dovranno andare due o tre volte l’anno.
Comunque questo potrebbe non essere abbastanza per portare le tattiche umane per smantellare l’impianto di Fukushima.

Ciò di cui hanno paura alcuni giapponesi è che il governo imponga l’idea che andare all’impianto di Fukushima sia patriottico (cioè che le persone non patriottiche non andrebbero all’impianto di Fukushima).
Il governo giapponese ha utilizzato la stessa tecnica durante la seconda guerra mondiale per reclutare studenti per l’esercito. Le persone venivano chiamate “Hikokumin (Non-giapponesi)” se si fossero rifiutati di andare sul campo di battaglia opponendosi alla guerra.
I giapponesi hanno la tendenza ad una forte mentalità di gruppo e sono molto sensibili alle pressioni sulla parità quindi questa propaganda potrebbe facilmente controllare i Giapponesi.

Hanno già iniziato a mandare studenti delle superiori nell’area del disastro per pulire i detriti ecc… E’ come se rendessero l’andare all’impianto di Fukushima un credito necessario per diplomarsi a scuola.

A Chernobyl, 600,000 ~ 800,000 lavoratori sono stati coscritti per smantellare l’impianto. Molti di loro, si dice, sono già morti.
In Giappone, 3 ~ 4 reattori sono esplosi e ogni reattore ha ancora la vasca di combustibile usato. Questo è qualcosa che nessuno ha mai incontrato prima nella storia dell’uomo. E’ quasi impossibile stimare quanto costi finchè non verrà decommissionato e quanti lavoratori saranno necessari in totale. Nella peggiore ipotesi potrebbe essere 4 volte peggio che a Cernobyl, quindi 2.400.000 ~ 3.200.000 persone verranno coscritte e moriranno.
La coscrizione di Fukushima è diversa da un’ordinaria coscrizione, nel senso che tutte le persone coscritte sarebbero esposte all’accorciamento drastico delle loro vite. Sarebbero tutti destinati a morire in un modo orribile.

Questi tre poteri politici sono pro nucleare. Grazie alla propaganda dei media e alla mancanza di creatività delle proteste, il movimento anti-nucleare non è più influente sulla attuale situazione politica. Le persone stanno cominciando a credere che l’energia nucleare sia necessaria per la crescita economica, ancora senza pensare che il Giappone non ha fatto alcuna crescita economica in questi 20 anni con l’energia nucleare.

Se riattiveranno gli altri impianti nucleari in Giappone la moria dei lavoratori nucleari sarà più seria.

Per diffondere la propaganda come “Supporto attraverso il cibo”, milioni di yen sono stati pagati ai media dal governo. Il sito di “supporto attraverso il cibo” è ospitato da “Dentsu”, la più grande compagnia giapponese di pubblicità. Diffondere il patriottismo potrebbe essere un nuovo grande business.


Français :

[Édito] Le Japon pourrait chercher à résoudre Fukushima en virant à droite

Le Japon va changer de premier ministre pour la 3e fois depuis le 11 mars à l’issue des élections de ce 16 décembre 2012.
Le nouveau premier ministre semble devoir être M. Abe du LDP (Liberal Democratic Party). Il est connu pour être à droite.
En outre, M. Ishihara, le précédent gouverneur de Tokyo a rejoint le parti de M. Hashimoto, le maire d’Osaka, et tous les deux sont à droite aussi.
Ces trois partis sont pressentis pour s’unir et prendre la majorité de la Chambre des Représentants, c’est à dire une situation politique similaire à celle du Japon de la 2e guerre mondiale.
La droite n’est pas puissante au Japon, donc il est impossible de trouver un équilibre.

Ces trois partis politiques ont toujours demandé une révision de la constitution japonaise, en particulier de son article 9. Le récent conflit entre la Chine et le Japon sur l’archipel austral des Senkaku / Diaoyu a été induit par Ishihara et les médias ont diffusé une ambiance de guerre et réveillé le patriotisme.
On le compare parfois à la guerre des Malouines mais c’est très différent parce qu’il s’agit des 2e et 3e plus grandes économies mondiales. Une atmosphère/attitude d’auto-défense de la part des gens va leur faciliter une révision de la constitution et s’ils arrivent à l’obtenir, la conscription pourrait alors être légalisée. Dans la version actuelle de la constitution japonaise, toute conscription est interdite.

Ils ont déjà trompé les gens en abusant du patriotisme juste après le 11-3. Les célèbres slogans de “Soutien en mangeant”, “partageons la souffrance” et aussi “Kizuna / fusion émotionelle”. Ils se sont habitués à faire manger de la nourriture contaminée et à répandre les débris de la catastrophe sur tout le Japon.
Quelles qu’aient été leurs intentions, les gens ne vont pas s’entre-déchirer pour les rares nourritures encore saines et la fréquence des cancers peu en devenir stable même si elle explose dans Fukushima, ils pourront dire que ce n’est pas spécifique à Fukushima, que c’est partout au Japon grâce à ces propagandes.

Certains japonais ont peur que la droite utilise le patriotisme plus directement pour imposer une conscription sur l’accident de Fukushima.

Pour l’instant, le gouvernement japonais maintient toujours la politique de laisser les gens vivre dans Fukushima en décontaminant. Néanmoins, la décontamination autour de la préfecture de Fukushima a un coût estimé à 10 à 100 milliards de yens alors qu’il serait bien moins coûteux de donner de l’argent à chaque famille pour leur permettre de déménager.

Trois raisons expliquent probablement pourquoi ils restent figés sur cette politique irrationnelle.

  1. Maintenir en place les dirigeants de la préfecture de Fukushima.
  2. Maintenir le salaire et les retraites des fonctionnaires de la préfecture de Fukushima.
  3. Maintenir la population de Fukushima près de la centrale pour y avoir de la main-d’œuvre.

Quoi qu’il en soit, on commence à savoir qu’une décontamination totale est impossible techniquement et financièrement (de la radioactivité sort encore de la centrale de Fukushima à chaque seconde).

En octobre, Tepco a décidé d’envoyer tous ses employés à Fukushima. C’est obligatoire et ils vont devoir s’y plier deux à trois fois par an.
Toutefois, ceci ne sera pas suffisant pour appliquer la stratégie des vagues humaines au démantèlement de la centrale de Fukushima.

Ce qui fait peur à certains japonais est que le gouvernement impose l’idée aux gens qu’aller à la centrale de Fukushima est un acte patriote. (autrement dit que les gens non-patriotes ne veulent pas aller dans la centrale de Fukushima.)
Le gouvernement japonais a appliqué la même stratégie pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale pour enrôler les étudiants et les élèves dans son armée. Ces gens étaient appelés “Hikokumin” (=non-Japonais) lorsqu’ils refusaient d’aller sur le champ de bataille et refusaient la guerre.
Les japonais ont facilement l’esprit de groupe et sont très sensibles à la pression de leurs pairs ce qui fait que cette propagande peut facilement contrôler les japonais.

Ils ont déjà commencé à envoyer les élèves des high school dans la région de la catastrophe pour nettoyer, ramasser les débris, etc. Comme s’ils faisaient d’aller à la centrale de Fukushima une matière obligatoire pour passer en classe supérieure.

A Tchernobyl, de 600 000 à 800 000 ouvriers ont été réquisitionnés pour démanteler la centrale. Il est établi que la plupart d’entre eux sont décédés.
Au Japon, 3 à 4 réacteurs ont explosé et chacun d’eux contient toujours une piscine à combustible. C’est quelque chose que personne n’a jamais rencontré dans l’histoire de l’homme. Il est pratiquement impossible d’estimer quel sera le coût du démantèlement et combien d’ouvriers seront nécessaires au total. En estimation grossière, ce peut être 4 fois plus qu’à Tchernobyl, soit entre 2 400 000 et 3 200 000 personnes à enrôler de force et voir mourir.
La conscription pour Fukushima est différente des conscriptions ordinaires en ce sens que tous ceux qui y seront soumis seront irradiés à voir leurs vies drastiquement réduites.  Ils sont tous voués à mourir d’une façon misérable.

Ces trois partis politiques sont pour le nucléaire. Grâce à la propagande des médias et d’une gestion sans imagination des manifestations, le mouvement anti-nucléaire a perdu toute influence sur la situation politique. Les gens recommencent à penser que l’électricité nucléaire est nécessaire au développement de l’économie sans tenir compte du fait que le Japon n’a connu aucun essor économique sur ces 20 dernières années même avec l’énergie nucléaire.

S’ils relancent d’autres centrales nucléaires japonaises, la pénurie en ouvriers du nucléaire va être plus grave.

Pour répandre des propagandes telles que le “Soutien en mangeant”, des milliards de yens ont été payés aux médias par le gouvernement. Le site du “Soutien en mangeant” est hébergé chez “Dentsu”, le plus grand publicitaire nippon. Réveiller le patriotisme va être une autre grosse affaire juteuse.

  1. What the world was affraid for Japan is becoming real.
    A country that is moving backward to fascism, war and self destruction. Another kind of North Korea. Making its own atomic bombs.
    More misery for Japan.
    Plus another Fukushima in the making (who knows where? near Tokyo or Osaka?).
    Scary monster. Luckily, Japan population is shrinking and Japan is becoming a less important.

    1. Well, fascism has always been around, though like all evil, sleeping until awakened.
      I fear akb48 can’t save japan from itself. It is self consuming, irrational, and utterly inefficient.
      I pray the beautiful women, children, and intellectuals get out soon.
      It’s like savage gangster land now. Tete a Tete, toe to toe, doomed perhaps.
      I miss the Japan of the 70’s sometimes.

  2. You have a very good and clear writing! Thank’s for this summery!

    I think I have read already one and a half or two years ago about this Mr Abe, about his family and origins. If it is the same person on which I read, it is scary because his aim is to build nuclear weapons and I suppose it is already nearly done, but I hope he could meet Gorbatchov once more and have his views enlarged.

    Last night I saw a documentary film on Daily Motion about extracting uranium in Nigeria. Humanity has to face it’s darkest sides it seems… dreadful.

    Keep in touch with mother earth’s heart and may you be blessed

  3. Good point, Iori.

    I haven’t really paid much attention to Japanese politics until recently. What is going on over there is very scary. Japan seems to be going backwards in time.

    My friend, who’s living in Japan and against, Ishihara, Abe, TPP, and nuclear power, said that she feels hopeless. I feel the same way. I’m in the process of becoming a naturalized citizen in U.S., but all my families and many of my friends are still in Japan. The problem is that I can’t tell them what I think and feel because many may think that I’m crazy or “hikuko-min” perhaps? Sadly, propaganda works. Mass media is very powerful.

    My friend said that this it like during WW2. Back then, there were people who knew that we couldn’t win the war, but they were forced to shut up. The same thing is going on right now.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


November 2012