I-131 detected from sewage sludge in Koriyama city Fukushima almost everyday this November

According to Fukushima prefectural government, Iodine-131 was detected from sewage sludge for 26 days this November. Fukushima prefectural government released the radiation analysis data on 12/25/2015. The data reveals I-131 and Cs-134/137 density contained in dried sewage sludge. The sewage plant is situated in Koriyama city Gunma. The data shows I-131 was detected from 11/1 to 11/15, 11/18 to 11/25, and 11/27 to 11/29/2015. The data of December is not published yet. In total, I-131 was measured almost everyday this … Continue reading I-131 detected from sewage sludge in Koriyama city Fukushima almost everyday this November