Reactor3 coolant water leakage → Tepco “Don’t know the latest status”

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Following up this article.. Reactor3 coolant water possibly leaking since before explosion of 311 [URL]


Tepco is not checking the on-going situation of the direct leakage of coolant water in reactor3.

Tepco accidentally found about 1/3 of coolant water leaking out to the reactor building this January. The leaking point is not identified because the radiation dose is too high.

The leaking water has directly touched the molten fuel.


In the press conference of 1/31/2014, Tepco was inquired about if it’s still leaking by the press. Tepco’s spokesman “answered” that they don’t know if it’s still leaking, they haven’t even installed a surveillance camera on the leaking point.


It is questionable if Tepco properly recognizes the responsibility to decommission the plant.



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Fuite du liquide de refroidissement du réacteur 3 → Tepco : “On ne sait pas où ça en est”
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Article lié : Le liquide de refroidissement du réacteur 3 fuit sans doute depuis avant les explosions de mars 2011

Tepco ne contrôle plus l’évolution de la situation à la fuite directe du liquide de refroidissement du réacteur 3.

Tepco a accidentellement découvert en ce mois de janvier qu’environ 1/3 du liquide de refroidissement fuyait en dehors du bâtiment du réacteur. L’endroit de la fuite n’est pas déterminé parce que la radioactivité est trop forte.
Le liquide qui fuit est passé directement sur du combustible fondu.

Au cours de la conférence de presse du 31 janvier 2014, la presse a demandé à Tepco si ça fuyait toujours. Le porte-parole de Tepco a “répondu” qu’ils ne savent pas si ça fuit toujours, ils n’ont même pas installé de caméra de surveillance à proximité de la fuite.

On peut se demander de fait si Tepco se reconnaît une quelconque responsabilité dans le démantèlement de la centrale.

Note : Si vous êtes de la grande presse internationale, ne lisez pas ce site sans avoir préalablement pris contact avec moi.

  1. Hello,
    Do we remember when Toyota was run thru the mill because their cars would suddenly accelerate without warning or the ability to shutdown? That caused maybe 4 deaths and a few injuries and cost Toyota a few billion dollars. Now here is Tepco killing the entire planet and nobody gives a shit. WTF???

  2. Daiichi represents the entire nuclear industry. The Japanese government wants Daiichi to go away, the US wants it to go away. This is the worst public relations disaster from the point of view of the nuclear industry. 50+ nuke plants shutdown. Cleanup of nuclear fallout all but impossible. Core melt locations unknown. A steady stream of radioactive water flows into the Pacific every second.

    It is not going to end in anybody’s current lifetime but the nuclear industry and Japan will downplay it with circus tent coverings, Zeolite filters, Secrets Act, happy faces, all while ignoring the victims.

  3. Hi Bill, you might have missed my question:
    What else can make-blow a hole in the vessel other than a nuclear explosion?

    1. Salt Water Chemistry

      Plasma (proton beam) and/0r Alpha Particles picking up electrons

      Neutron Beam (VUGS)

      Molten Fuel burning through

      Earthquake snapping off pipe(s) and instruments

      Differential heat snapping pipes & instruments

      Come to mind. Probably lots of others

      1. Crappy Planning

        The superannuated, corroded, brittle, VUGGED UP, defective design, hot-loaded (MOX) FDU-3 Reactor was possibly (likely) operating above 100% nominal power rating, at least intermittently.

        The standard operating procedure, called for a slow reduction in temperature, to prevent excessive (quenching) hardening of the reactor, which would decidedly increase reactor brittleness. With the advantage of 20/20 hindsight, a rapid, complete reactor cool-down would have (likely) averted the disaster entirely. Busted Pipes whether input and/or output would have worked to prevent or reduce the rapid cool-down side effects.

        It would have bought some time, in all likelihood. And TIME reduces radioactive fallout levels. Unfortunately there were no genius, maverick types at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.


        Bill Duff

        1. Water Hammer

          Mitsubishi kinda FUBAR-ed a couple of Reactor Power upgrades for the California San Onofre civilian nuclear power reactors. The Upgrade piping design(s) failed rapidly due to ‘water-hammer-effect’ (resonance). Water hammer effect is the familiar clanging of hot water pipes in homes, and some apartment building heating radiator systems.

          Resonance is an intrinsic design flaw, typically related to excessive symmetry and neatness in a water (piping) system. The forces of resonance (water-hammer-effect) are a close approximation to infinity, like dividing by zero or a very small number (delta approach 0), in elementary differential calculus language.

          Luckily, (for Californians & Other Downwinders) this Mitsubishi FUBAR resulted in a complete shutdown of the TWO (2) Tsunami/Earthquake Vulnerable San Onofre nuclear reactors. Mitsubishi MIGHT have been working at the FDU-3 upgrade or some other similar MOX upgrade, to try and redesign a workable power upgrade for the San Onofre reactor piping design. (I would have been, so therefore presume that they were.


          Bill Duff

          1. Resonance 2

            Resonance is often a desirable design objective, for example in radio antenna and signal capture designs.

            Resonance sucks in bridges and water piping designs.

            A defectively designed resonant water pipe design, such as the San Onofre uprate FUBAR will resonate at some specific frequency or a multiple of that natural frequency, generally without regard to the exciting frequency.

            Steam flashing and condensing are IMPULSE type signals, loosely using some engineering terminology.

            Impulses, in a round-about fashion contain LOTS of frequencies, kind of like … WHITE is a mixture of all the visible light spectrum and BLACK (gray) is a mixture of all the paint colors.

            So an IMPULSE will excite resonant behavior, and bust the plumbing.


            Bill Duff

            1. Typically,

              Typically about now, some lying, moron, ‘Team Nuke’ Asshole, who knows absolutely NOTHING of these matters will begin an argument about these basic engineering concepts, which are semi-translated into common English language words. While I have extensive engineering education and hands-on experience in the field.


              Bill Duff

          2. Signals excite (start & continue) resonance phenomena

            Earthquakes and Tsunamis are ‘signals’ which can excite resonant conditions in poorly designed water piping designs. Things are shaken thoroughly and a lot of Snap, Crackle & Pop going on.

            The natural frequencies of an unintentionally resonant piping design can quickly cause the pipe to SNAP like a toothpick.

            That would not be a good thing in nuclear reactor plumbing. It is pleasant, for a change, to communicate such factual engineering concepts on a TROLL FREE blog.


            Bill Duff

    2. Status – no bueno

      The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station hydrogen gas venting systems suffered AT LEAST a 100% failure during the 311 disasters.

      Reactor-1 = Reactor-2 = Reactor-3 = Ventilation Failure. Not sure precisely WHY the Unit-4 building exploded, and/or the various connection scenarios with the Unit-3 supersonic explosive (DETONATION); along with documented FIRES in the Unit-4 Spent Fuel Pool. So AT LEAST four (4) explosions with only three active (operating) nuclear reactors.

      Similarly, the pressure relief valves, were not usefully operable, due to back-pressure from the super-heating reactor. Probably (certainly) WAY over design pressures.

      Some auxiliary (Add On) systems MAY have been controlled by the known Compromised Siemens controllers, due to STUXNET virus and the plethora of other Siemens ‘controller issues’. May have been some commercial retrofits and reactor/containment alterations, which varied from the typical CRAPPY General Electric Mark-1 pseudo-containment architecture.

      Lots going on, at the FDNPS during March of 2011. Lots of lying before, during and since. Lots of cover-ups and finger-pointing.


      Bill Duff

  4. “The Environment Ministry has classified 2.9 tons of sludge from Kanagawa Prefecture as radioactive waste derived from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the first such designation for the prefecture on the southern border of Tokyo… Waste containing more than 8,000 becquerels of radioactive cesium, spewed from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, per kilogram is eligible for the designation.” – Asahi Shimbun 1/2/14

    What is the significance of this development? Has the sludge taken three years to accumulate from roofs etc? Have there been recent releases on a northerly wind?

  5. Maybe they just checked it for the firsttime? Scary! One other good ID for what is happening is Iodine 131. Now if that was tested for..thats telling. Anyone have any info on if that radionucide was found in the ‘sludge’. I=131 or daughter isotopes of iodine are dangerous to children in a big big way!

    1. Cesium 134

      Cesium 134 is the definitive Fukushima (signature) radioisotope.

      The Ratio of Cesium 134 to Cesium 137 is a second Fukushima calling card. There is a LOT of Cesium 137 left over from Atmospheric testing and Chernobyl. Cesium 134 has a 2 year half-life, so the Fukushima signature radioactive fallout signature can be easily calculated for several more years.

      The only recent detects of recent fission, were reported Xenon, from South Korea. Xenon is a RadioIodine daughter. The South Korea detect could have come from Fukushima, North Korea, a nuclear navy accident or some other recent fission incident.


      Bill Duff

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


January 2014