67,000 Bq/m3 of all β detected in 25m deep underground / Contamination possibly penetrated deep in the plant area

Note : If you are from the international mass media, Don’t read this site before taking a contact with me.



Radioactive material was detected from groundwater deep underground, according to Tepco.

It was 25m deep on the seaside of reactor3 and 4. Tepco used to state radioactive contamination doesn’t penetrate that deep because it’s absorbed by the ground.


Even after the filtration, Cs-134/137 and all β (including Strontium-90) were detected. The readings (after filtration) are below,

Cs-134 : 1,600 Bq/m3

Cs-137 : 2,800 Bq/m3

All β : 67,000 Bq/m3


Under Fukushima plant area, there are two permeable layers. This is the first time to measure radioactive material from the deeper permeable layer.

The sampling date was 12/10/2013. As the reason of taking 10 days to announce the test result, Tepco stated they were busy at analyzing other samples.


Tepco’s spokesman commented the sampling location was 130~150m from the sea, so they don’t think contamination has already reached the sea. However, they decided they won’t analyze the groundwater of deep ground layer on the seaside of reactor1 and 2.

(cf, [Column] Tepco’s new cover-up – Possibility of groundwater rising in various places of Fukushima plant [URL])


Tepco announced they are going to investigate the contamination source, but it will be only by mid January.





I reject the international mass media to read this site without taking a contact with me.I know some of the mass media corporations read Fukushima Diary to understand the trend so they know when to report about Fukushima as if they were independently following it for a long time.
In short, they make you individual readers pay for this site while they pay nothing, and when they publish the “authorized news”, you pay for the “secondhand news”, which is nothing new for us.
This site is free for the individual readers, but not for corporations.In the world, this site is nearly the only source about Fukushima. I came here alone without any supporting organizations, background or anything. I’m not pleased to be exploited by the corporations that didn’t even properly report about Fukushima when 311 took place.

I demand them to take a contact with me BEFORE reading this site whatever the purpose is.


Français :

De la radioactivité β à 67 000 Bq/m³ à 25 m en sous-sol : La contamination diffuse en profondeur
Note : Si vous êtes de la grande presse internationale, ne lisez pas ce site sans avoir préalablement pris contact avec moi.


Selon Tepco, de la radioactivité a été relevée dans des eaux souterraines profondes.
C’est à 25 m en sous-sol du côté mer des réacteurs 3 et 4. Tepco avait l’habitude d’affirmer que la radioactivité ne descendait pas aussi bas parce qu’elle est absorbée par le sol.

Même après filtration, ils trouvent du Cs 134/137 et de la radioactivité β (dont le strontium-90).
Les relevés (après filtration) sont :
Cs 134 : 1 600 Bq/m³
Cs 137 : 2 800 Bq/m³
Radioactivité β : 67 000 Bq/m³

Il y a deux couches perméables sous la centrale de Fukushima. C’est la première fois qu’on relève de la radioactivité dans la couche perméable profonde.
L’échantillon est du 10 décembre 2013. Tepco a affirmé qu’ils étaient trop occupés par les analyses d’autres échantillons comme raison pour avoir mis 10 jour à annoncer cette découverte.

Le porte-parole de Tepco a déclaré que c’est à 130 – 150 m de la mer, donc qu’ils ne pensent pas que la contamination ait déjà atteint la mer. Ils ont cependant décidé de ne plus analyser les eaux souterraines profondes du côté mer des réacteurs 1 et 2. (cf. [Édito] Nouvelle censure Tepco : les eaux souterraines font surface en plusieurs points de la centrale de Fukushima)

Tepco a déclaré qu’ils allaient essayer de trouver la source de la contamination mais ce à partir de mi-janvier seulement.


J’interdis à la grande presse internationale de lire et d’utiliser ce site sans préalablement prendre contact avec moi. Je sais que certaines grandes sociétés de presse lisent le Fukushima Diary pour comprendre la tendance et trouver quand rendre compte de la situation de Fukushima comme s’ils la suivaient indépendamment depuis longtemps.
En résumé, ils vous font payer à vous, simples lecteurs, ce qu’ils prennent gratuitement dans ce site et lorsqu’ils publient des “nouvelles de première main” vous payez pour des “nouvelles resucées”, qui n’ont rien de nouveau pour nous.
Ce site est gratuit pour les lecteurs individuels, pas pour les sociétés. Ce site est pratiquement la seule source au monde sur Fukushima. Je viens ici seul sans aucun soutien d’organisation quelconque, ni références, ni rien. Je n’apprécie pas de me faire exploiter par ces sociétés qui n’ont même pas été foutues de relater correctement ce qui se passait à Fukushima quand a eu lieu le mois de mars 2011.

Je leur demande de prendre contact avec moi AVANT de lire ce site dans quelque but que ce soit.

  1. Well, that is unfortunate and sad, but somewhat expected.

    It is doubtful that the deeper water strata, Beta emitters, are due to fallout on the uphill outcropping.

    Thus, the BREACH of the impermeable layer is most certainly ON the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station grounds. There are two likely (2) choices:

    1) Existing boreholes and construction penetrations

    2) China Syndrome


    Bill Duff

    1. Watershed

      Perhaps the term ‘watershed’ is a better hydrology description than uphill outcropping.

      Definition of HYDROLOGY (Free Online Dictionary)

      : a science dealing with the properties, distribution, and circulation of water on and below the earth’s surface and in the atmosphere

      — hy·dro·log·ic or hy·dro·log·i·cal adjective
      — hy·dro·log·i·cal·ly adverb
      — hy·drol·o·gist noun

      http water epa.gov/ (type/watersheds/whatis) cfm

      What is a Watershed?

      A watershed is the area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains off of it goes into the same place. John Wesley Powell, scientist geographer, put it best when he said that a watershed is:

      “that area of land, a bounded hydrologic system, within which all living things are inextricably linked by their common water course and where, as humans settled, simple logic demanded that they become part of a community.”

      Watersheds come in all shapes and sizes. They cross county, state, and national boundaries. In the continental US, there are 2,110 watersheds; including Hawaii Alaska, and Puerto Rico, there are 2,267 watersheds.
      pictorial display of a watershed.


      The Agency Name and the Agency Mission for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) form an Oxymora; as do most other other agencies and branches of the recently failed constitutional republic formerly known as ‘The United States of America. The ‘EPA’, like Barack Obama, is a ‘watermelon’; green on the outside and RED (communist) on the inside.


      Bill Duff

  2. The following source provides a concise and easy-to-follow description of the geology of the Fukushima site. It suggests the plant is probably underlain by layers of permeable rock that dip towards the ocean, and that a deep fault may allow radioactive pollution of aquifers to depths of several hundreds of meters.

    www fukushima-blog com/article-the-geology-of-fukushima-88575278 html

    1. Geologically Unsuitable For a Nuclear Power Station

      The geological maps, CLEARLY show that the Fukushima Daiichi subsurface strata have long been known to be absolutely unsuitable for construction of a nuclear power station.

      The interested reader is reminded that TEPCO intended to construct two (2) additional nuclear power reactors on this unsuitable site.

      It has apparently been represented by TEPCO that an impermeable layer existed approximately 25 meters deep. The geology maps CLEARLY show a discontinuity under some of the reactors. Thus it has been long known by TEPCO, Fukushima Prefecture, and EVERY branch of the Japanese National Government as well as the IAEA, that ANY radioactive leak would freely migrate to great depths.

      There is no indication that ANY remedial grouting was ever attempted to rectify and/or reduce this OPEN pathway to deeper aquifers. And ALL these deeper strata communicate directly to the Pacific Ocean at various depths. We can thus add SITE unsuitability to the LONG LINE of TEPCO lies and pseudoscience.


      Bill Duff

  3. I can’t believe this tiny local sham of a company is allowed to dictate to the rest of the world how, when and why they are going or not going to run half hearted tests around the perimeters of a giant ticking time bomb they are supposedly managing…….and then continually lie their faces off about the results. These people are plant OPERATORS. They need to be on the unemployment line right now.
    This is a job for a team of international nuclear ENGINEERS.
    How can the many governing bodies of this planet even permit these shonks in the front gate?

    1. TEPCO tentacles once stretched into the USA

      http www nuc berkeley edu/ (forum/218/texas-nuclear-expansion-plans.2011-11-20)
      http www nuc berkeley edu/ (forum/218/texas-nuclear-expansion-plans.2011-11-20#comment-22791)

      Texas Nuclear Expansion Plans
      Crony Capitalism at its worst TEPCO & TOSHIBA at the helm
      Rick Perry wants to double number of Texas nuclear plants
      Crony Capitalism at its worst

      By Bob Keefe WEST COAST BUREAU Friday, July 18, 2008

      http www statesman com/ (news/content/region/legislature/stories/07/18/0718perry) html

      LOS ANGELES — Perry said he wants to double the number of nuclear plants in the state within the next 10 years, increase development. Perry indicated that he’d like Texas to develop its nuclear power industry as much as it has developed its wind power industry. Texas is on its way to more to meeting Perry’s goal of doubling the number of nuclear reactors in the state. In September, NRG Energy Inc. became the first company in nearly three decades to apply for a nuclear reactor, with plans for two new ones at its existing nuclear plant in Matagorda County in South Texas.

      http e.nikkei com/ (e/fr/tnks/Nni20110418D18JF390) htm
      http abcnews go com/ (Business/wireStory?id=13411603)

      By JONATHAN FAHEY AP Energy Writer NEW YORK April 19, 2011 (AP)

      Blaming uncertainties arising from the nuclear crisis in Japan, NRG Energy says it will write down its $481 million investment in two planned new nuclear reactors in South Texas. NRG, based in Princeton, N.J., hoped to build two new reactors at its South Texas Project nuclear station, an operating two-reactor power plant 90 miles southwest of Houston. The project is in line for a federal loan guarantee, but low electricity prices had clouded prospects for the plan even before the incident in Japan. Support for new nuclear projects in the US has eroded in the aftermath of the nuclear crisis in Japan, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll conducted earlier this month. One of NRG’s partners was to be TEPCO, the Japanese utility that owns the reactor complex crippled by last month’s earthquake and tsunami.

      That includes $331 million contributed by NRG to the joint venture that was to build the project and $150 million from a partner, Toshiba American Nuclear Energy Corp., a unit of the Japanese industrial giant Toshiba. Toshiba was to supply the design for the reactor and build the station. Toshiba will be responsible for future licensing costs.

      1. conspired fraudulent defamatory illegal conduct “manipulate project costs for their collective benefit.”

        http www masudafunai com/ (showarticle.aspx?Show=5665) – English 日本語 – Masuda Funai

        Texas Court Ruling Jeopardizes Nuclear Plant Construction on the South Texas Project; Tokyo Electric Expresses Interest

        Date: 2/11/2010 Business Client Advisory 2_11_10

        On January 29, a state court judge in San Antonio ruled, in response to a motion for summary judgment, that the city’s municipal utility, CPS Energy, would not lose its investment of $400 million if it withdrew from a construction project for a new nuclear plant on the Texas Gulf Coast. As background, CPS and its partners, NRG Energy Inc. (NRG), a publicly traded company headquartered in New Jersey, and Toshiba Corp. began the venture, called the South Texas Project 3 & 4, in order to construct two Advanced Boiling Water Reactors (ABWR) at an existing site near Bay City, Texas, ninety miles southwest of Houston. CPS cited increasing costs as its reason for considering withdrawal.

        CPS filed the lawsuit last December alleging that NRG and Toshiba conspired through “fraudulent, defamatory and illegal conduct” to “manipulate project costs for their collective benefit.” Among other relief, CPS asked for $32 billion in punitive damages. Toshiba was subsequently dropped from the suit by CPS purportedly to prevent the suit being transferred from state court to federal court, which CPS felt would cause delays.

        The ruling on January 29, which ironically came a the day after NRG was added to the S&P500 index, denied a motion for summary judgment filed by NRG seeking clarification of its contractual rights against CPS. District Court Judge Larry Noll ruled that CPS would not forfeit its investment but that its ownership could be diluted if it failed to continue contributing to the engineering, procurement, and construction costs. The judge urged the parties to negotiate a settlement to the dispute.

        So it would be a favorable result for all parties if another investor could be located to replace CPS’ investment in the nuclear plan. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has in the recent past expressed an interest in investing in the South Texas Project. TEPCO operates two advanced boiling water reactors (similar to the plants under construction in Texas) at its Kashiwazaki Kariwa facility in Japan, the world’s largest nuclear power plant, and has acted as a technical advisor on the project for three years. So TEPCO has familiarity with the technology of the proposed nuclear plant. (Kashiwazaki Kariwa had an interruption in its operation, but resumed operation of its advanced boiling water reactors after the plant sustained earthquake damage in 2007.)

        1. Un-Dead Nuclear Zombies

          None of the ‘temporarily tabled’ nuclear power plant license applications are completely dead, as a result of unlawful foreign ownership, circumstances.

          Nor are they totally dead as a result of their lack of sound economics, as ALL USA nuclear power plants are ‘money-losers’, relative to natural gas, LPG, oil and/or coal.

          These ‘temporarily suspended’ nuclear power plant license applications are UnDead, Zombies, similar to movie plots such as Dracula and Night of the Living Dead. They will be ‘merely dead’, not ‘most sincerely dead’, until a silver stake is driven through their heart, in a garlic field, surrounded by concentrating mirrors at High-Noon.

          And even then … for

          NRC Rule Changes on foreign ownership are afoot.
          Corrupt, Stupid politicians such as presidential aspirant Republican Rick Perry and Barack Obama ‘will give Satan head’, for a bribe, favorable press coverage and/or a campaign contribution.


          Bill Duff

          1. “no later than December 31, 2013”

            www nrc gov/ (reading-rm/doc-collections/commission/srm/2012/2012-0168srm) pdf

            The staff should provide a fresh assessment on issues relating to foreign ownership including recommendations on any proposed modifications to guidance or practice on foreign ownership, domination, or control that may be warranted. As part of this generic review, the staff should obtain stakeholder views and present staff’s conclusions and recommendations in a voting paper for Commission review and approval. This voting paper should be provided to the Commission no later than December 31, 2013, and include recommendations on the path forward, recognizing that the Commission would provide formal notice and opportunity for public comment should it propose to endorse or make significant changes in policy.

            The staff’s assessment should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following issues: The limitation on foreign ownership contained in section 103d of the Atomic Energy Act and the potential to satisfy statutory objectives through an integrated review of foreign ownership, control, or domination issues involving up to and including 100 percent indirect foreign ownership;

      2. BRAWM Censorship

        The University of California at Berkeley hosted a nuclear blog for a couple of years and another (Fukushima) Blog for a shorter time period. The Berkeley Radiological Air and Water Monitoring Forum (BRAWM) website OFTEN allowed free discussion. There were some NOTABLE exceptions to that free discussion custom.

        This matter of Foreign Ownership of USA nuclear reactors was one subject that was ACTIVELY blocked. Posts were not merely removed after some complaint or review process. Such POSTS were a-priori blocked, even after a dozen rewrites.

        Their castle – their rules. There was a substantial impact on discussion, because of the Allowed/Verbotten subjects, posts, links and arguments that were banned and/or blocked. On occasion, the blocking was quite heavy-handed and/or one-sided, in a pronounced ‘Team Nuke’ fashion.


        Bill Duff

    2. No gawdamn way would anybody SANE, use their own money for this crap.

      “The agreement with Tokyo Electric—and the future of the project—hinge on the granting of a federal loan guarantee. NRG continues to await a decision on the loan guarantee from the Department of Energy.”

      “Everything depends on action taken in Washington,” NRG Chief Executive David Crane said Monday.

      http online wsj com/ (news/articles/SB10001424052748703880304575236431194265728) By Mark Peters And Mari Iwata, Updated May 10, 2010 2:03 p.m. ET, Wall Street Journal, Business

      Tepco to Buy Stake in Nuclear Plant

      Tokyo Electric Power Co. 9501.TO -2.06% reached an agreement Monday with NRG Energy Inc. NRG -0.07% to buy a stake in what would be one of the first U.S. nuclear power projects in decades. The stake in the Texas project is the first for Tokyo Electric in a nuclear power plant development overseas. It comes as NRG Energy and existing partner Toshiba Corp. 6502.TO -0.93% , which together own 92.4% of the project, look to cut their interest in the about $14 billion dollar project to reduce risks and lower development costs.

      The agreement with Tokyo Electric—and the future of the project—hinge on the granting of a federal loan guarantee. NRG continues to await a decision on the loan guarantee from the Department of Energy. “Everything depends on action taken in Washington,” NRG Chief Executive David Crane said Monday. A decision is expected in the coming weeks.

      Under the contract with Tokyo Electric, also known as Tepco, the Japanese company will purchase a 10% stake in the partnership’s interest in the project for $125 million. Tepco is spending $30 million on an option to buy an additional, about 10% stake for $125 million. If Tepco executes the option, its interest in the full project would reach about 18% since CPS Energy, a utility owned by the city of San Antonio, owns about 7.6% of the project.

      For NRG Energy, the agreement provides money and expertise to a project in which the Princeton, N.J., power generator holds a larger interest than originally planned. A legal dispute earlier this year with CPS Energy resulted in a settlement that cut CPS Energy’s stake to 7.6% from 50%. The agreement expanded NRG’s expected spending on the project for the year, with the company currently budgeting $650 million. Tepco will pay a portion of development costs and contribute staff under the ownership agreement announced Monday.

      Japan Bank For International Cooperation and Nippon Export and Investment Insurance are expected to provide financial support, Mr. Kudama said without elaborating. The NRG-led partnership has said it expects to begin construction of the new units in 2012, once it receives a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The construction work should take around five years, with the first unit coming online in 2016 and second unit in 2017. NRG owns 88% of the partnership and Toshiba owns the remaining interest.

      Write to Mark Peters at mark.peters@dowjones.com and Mari Iwata at mari.iwata@dowjones.com

  4. Look at the level of honesty displayed by tepco to date and ask yourself….would I buy a used car from these people?

  5. TEPCO is not a “tiny little sham of company”. It is/was the biggest electricity company in Asia. It is also partly owned and funded by the government of Japan, the third largest economy in the world. It’s top people (when they are not living in Singapore or Malaysia), have connections to government departments, media, universities and other big companies. It is probably also probable they have high-level military connections related to Japan’s so-called ability to produce nuclear weapons in less than a week.
    So “tiny little sham of a company” they are not. A bunch of selfish, greedy, dangerous, powerful old men is possibly what you meant to say.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


December 2013