[Endlessly increasing contaminated water] Tepco “Please give us a good idea”

[Endlessly increasing contaminated water] Tepco "Please give us a good idea"


About the endlessly increasing contaminated water, Tepco announced they cannot build the underground impervious wall.

As Fukushima Diary has been reporting, there is no way of technically stopping contaminated water increasing in Fukushima nuclear plant.

(cf, [Analysis] There is no way of stopping ground water flowing into the plant [URL])

400 tones of ground water flow into the plant on the daily basis. Tepco is running out of the storage facility.

In order to stop the ground water flowing in, Tepco was suggested to build the underground impervious wall. (Assistant prof. Koide has been suggesting this idea as well.)

However according to Tepco, if they stop the ground water flowing into the plant, the contaminated water overflows out of the reactor buildings backward.

In their press conference of 5/16/2013 they commented “We wish anyone could suggest any good idea in this discussion.“.


Fukushima Diary thinks this is the accident that no one has ever experienced. At this moment of 2013, there is no technology to stop contaminated water increasing. It’s only the matter of time for contaminated water to officially overflow to the sea. Whoever is in charge of decommissioning Fukushima nuclear plant, Tepco, Japanese government, IAEA, UN, the situation would be the same.








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Français :

[Eaux radioactives augmentant sans fin] Tepco : “Donnez-nous une bonne idée s’il vous plait”


[Endlessly increasing contaminated water] Tepco "Please give us a good idea"

Concernant les volumes d’eau contaminées augmentant sans fin, Tepco a déclaré qu’ils ne peuvent pas construire de mur souterrain imperméable.

Comme le Fukushima Diary l’a publié, il n’existe aucun moyen technique pour empêcher l’augmentation des quantités d’eaux contaminées dans la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima. (cf. [Analyse] Il n’y a aucun moyen d’empêcher l’eau du sous-sol d’inonder la centrale)
400 tonnes d’eaux souterraines envahissent quotidiennement la centrale. Tepco est à court de systèmes de stockage.
Tepco a proposé de construire un mur étanche souterrain pour bloquer le flot des eaux souterraines. (Le professeur assistant Koide avait lui aussi suggéré cette idée.)
Selon Tepco, s’ils bloquent le flux des eaux souterraines entrant dans la centrale, alors les eaux radioactives des réacteurs (actuellement contenues par les eaux d’infiltration) vont pouvoir sortir hors des bâtiments des réacteurs.
Ils ont déclaré,  au cours de leur conférence de presse du 16 mai 2013 : “Nous souhaiterions  dans ce débat que quelqu’un nous suggère une bonne idée“.

Le Fukushima Diary pense que c’est un accident que personne n’a jamais connu. A ce jour de 2013, il n’existe aucun moyen technique d’arrêter l’augmentation des eaux contaminées. L’officialisation du débordement des eaux radioactives dans la mer n”est qu’une question de temps. Quel que soit celui chargé du démantèlement de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima, Tepco, le gouvernement japonais l’AIEA ou l’ONU, le problème sera le même.

Vidéo : http://www.tepco.co.jp/tepconews/library/movie-01j.html


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  1. could they drill a series of close spaced wells,all the way down to bedrock and inject them with a water expanding polymer? if you built a matrix of these could the polymer form a ring that would prevent water migration?

    then when you pump out the basements of the reactor buildings, water will flow inwards until the ground water level drops?

    1. I have heard reports that the cesium and other isotopes are sinking
      to the bottom of rivers and the ocean. Sorry I do not know their
      properties but if so then logic would say to pump out the bottom part
      say 1/4 to high density storage tanks and reinforce the sheilding
      thickness. Then refill the top. over time there would be less space
      but higher concentration.

      Even more tanks is 10000 times better than ocean dumping.

      Anyone know what happens when dropped into magma? US wants to try
      sending waste into the sun.

  2. In 2011, divine prediction was : “all contaminated water will end up in the sea ; there is no other solution.” That’s exactly what is happening now. In 2011, nobody believed in it.
    You will find more on my blog.

  3. pat b.
    Your proposal is actually just another ‘storage’ method. Besides, the quantity of water is simply overwhelming. Plus if you start drilling holes, it’s perfectly obvious what’s going to happen…. the holes will fill with water and won’t stop the continual flow of water. Pumping in water absorbing polymer will push out much of the water, and once the hole is full, as mentioned, more water will come in.

    At least you’ve thinking though. Everyone should be trying to think of ideas, as this situation is nightmareish.

    You have to stop the water from coming into contact with the contamination. There is only one solution that I can see: The contamination must be removed – including the melted down reactors. Expect to find many petrifications like ‘elephats’ feet that were spotted in Chernobyl (or was it 3 mile island?) Specialist, heavy non-electronic (or minimal) equipment is needed – mega-bulldozers and cranes. THis will probably cost billions.

    If the high radiation zones prevent this, then I’m afraid, ultimately conventional explosives might need to be used to separate fissionable materials (in the subsequent explosioon) so that fission stops, doesn’t need to be cooled, and can be more ewasily cleared.

    But of course the things that could go wrong with that are immense!

    I don’t think there is any easy solution to this. Any solution is going to be extremely messy and highly dangerous, but something needs to be done. We cannot go on accepting the discharge from Fukushima. But I actually cannot see TEPCO actually doing such a thing.

    It’s a total, TOTAL disaster.

    And remember folks… Nuclear energy is safe – IAEA

    @ Cathy.
    I sadly predicted exactly the same.

  4. Force Edano, Hashimoto, Hosono, Dr. Yamashita, Kan, All TEPCO management, lying media, etc to drink the water and use their bodies to filter out the contaminants. That is a good idea.

  5. It is too late. The extreme number of people that will get sick and die from now to Fall will show President Obama and every other leader in the world that they looked away when they should have been helping the Japanese. Tepco poisoned Japan first and the rest of the world second. Everyone on this planet is going to spend Winter 2013 and Spring of 2014 burying their dead.

    Every adult, regardless of location, needs to now begin going to the doctor at least once a year to check thyroid function. Strontium and both harmful versions of Cesium, as well as plutonium, are now in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. They have also breached the Gulf of Mexico.
    This world is about to learn a very difficult lesson.
    The only solution now is nanotechnology to try to clean the waters, create a new water molecule, or find an entirely new system to “eat” the radioactivity with existing minerals, amoebas, or minute robotics.
    The scientists and doctors should hurry before they get to sick to work. They’re about to realize that they have been ingesting radioactivity too.

  6. The only thing I can think of is to drill wells then freeze the groundwater to create an ice barrier. At least the aquifers would have to flow around and away from the melted fuel. With horizontal drilling they might be able to accomplish even more.

    Should shut down all nuclear power plants on earth until a solution is found for Fukushima.

    1. The above all seem like excellent ideas. There must be some form of flash freeze technology, polymer chemicals, and ultrasonic power that can form or maintain a barrier to at least slow down the contamination oozing into the pacific.

  7. clay slurry sucks but so many other lovely toxins are being stored this way. True, the should’t ever was ignored time and time again

  8. Tepco already has the US nanotech filter technology, should be up and running by now.
    Use zeolite to filter and trap nucleotides in water.
    Mix zeolites with pine chips, local bacteria, cynobacteria, fungi spores and go for the best mix to stimulate the uptake and use of the radioactive energy by the fungi in a controlled environment inside the site.
    The hyperconcentration and then further biological processes can use the radioactive energy in biological systems faster than just dispersal into the ocean.
    Mycoremediation Paul Stamets
    The biodynamic farmers in Eastern Europe found that the crops grown in very bioactive soils had a much lower concentration of radiation than their regional average after Chernobyl because the higher capacity of the microorganisms in the soil to utilise the radioactive isotopes and break them down. The plants took up the nutrients they needed, while the funghi chowed down on the dangerous stuff.
    Its not rocket science, its nature. The zeolite holds the heavy metals in the lattice of the crystal. Zeolite can be used mixed straight into pine chips, seaweed from the bay, whatever works.
    Get Tepco to consult the local biodynamic farmers who are still in the Fukushima area.
    Pouring concrete isn’t the only solution.

  9. Hi,
    Freezing the groundwater to create an ice barrier is a very good idea.
    But perhaps it is sufficient to freeze only the water inside the basements of the reactor building. Once that is done, one could add more water and freeze that too, untill all radioactive vessels and debris are surrounded with ice. This probably needs adding large refrigeration equipment outside and inside prefabricated coils with liquid nitrogen or other? It will also require a large energy consumption to keep the refrigeration going. In direct contact with hot radiactive parts, the water will thaw, but it can not escape because it is surrounded with deep cooled ice.I think that the building must be insulated with a thick layer of insulation.
    The whole operation will be very costly but in theory it could stop the radioactive contamination of the groundwater and the sea. The ice does two things: blocking contamination and also cooling parts that must be cooled. The idea of using a deep cold can be interesting with a cleanup also.
    The materials become brittle and can be broken in smaller parts easily.

  10. i dont know the site layout but you would have to excavate a type of curtin drain in front of the clay retainment wall your talking about building. the curtin drain would be same lenth as wall and sloped to a center low point. the contaminated water can be pumped through a filtering system and pumped back into the plant to cool system, any excess water can be stored. you can also excavate areas in front of curtin drain as dewatering holes or pits to control excess water. since i dont know what your eleavations are, boring machines would work fine for dewatering pits. i would never use clay, you can shoot a concrete gunite wall that would be much better then clay and would be pinned with steel tie in’s. i would think your engineers would have a geo map of property showing ground water areas and ledge elevations, you could also line drill and pump concrete onto most active running water areas. this may not stop all water, but will slow it down.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


May 2013