Breaking News: “Pandemic” of low dose symptom around in Tokyo

In the whole Kanto region damage to human health is dispersing- a report about 500 cases

Aggregation of 550 cases from 18th of June to 30th of June:

Questioned people having ailments are from 0 to 87 years, average age 30,47 years

Diagnoses were:

  • Ailments of the throat (172 cases)
  • Nosebleed (106 cases)
  • Diarrhea (97 cases)
  • Fatigue (83 cases)
  • Cough (61 cases)
  • Pain in the nose, cold (50 cases)
  • Headaches (42 cases)
  • Swollen Eyes (39 cases)
  • Fever (34 cases)
  • Stomatitis (28 cases)

Many participants in the survey complained about ailments, not knowing any reason. Some examples:

“Normally I suffer from constipation, but now I suffer from persistent diarrhea”, “I did not have nosebleeding for years and nobody has hit me, but all of a sudden I got nosebleed”

Aggravation or recurrence of atopy and allergic reactions, menstrual ailments, moles, Purpura (skin rash), although the people did not undergo stress

Two women from Fukushima prefecture had miscarriages

Ailments that were found by the survey can be apportioned to ailments of the mucous membranes and ailments of the immune system

Chernobyl Childrens‘ immune system is weakened: Now there are few healthy children in the region ob Belarus. 98 out of 100 people suffer from ailments. Because their immune system is weak and they suffer from ailments, children cannot endure long lessons, so the lessons were shortened from 45 to 25 minutes.

According to our inquiry, children often suffer from fatigue, aggravation of allergic symptoms, swollen eyes.

After the nuclear accident, many physicians and researchers in Japan said, that nosebleed would have no relation to radioactive exposure, but scientists of the New York academy of sciences published a report “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment”, that says that nosebleed and swollen lymphatic glands are evidence of radioactive contamination.

The director of a cancer center in Hokkaido said, that many people complain about the same symptoms and these are evidence of low dose radiation effects.

According to the Book “Dangers of internal radiation exposure” (Naibu hibaku no kiyoui): In the beginning, low does radiation causes nosebleed and diarrhea, and then the so-called bura bura disease [Chronic fatigue syndrome] can appear, which is often mixed up with laziness or dawdling.

From which regions do people come, who complain about throat ailments, nosebleed, diarrhea, etc.?

This is Tokyo Prefecture (166 cases), Kanagawa (46), Chiba (36), Fukushima and Saitama (33), Ibaraki (13) and Miyagi (10).

Chart: light yellow = less than 10 cases, yellow = more than 10 cases, orange= more than 50 cases, red = more than 100 cases

The numbers of inhabitants of the prefectures are different, so one cannot compare this, so you have to compare the percentage and then Fukushima is on the first place, second Tokyo, third Chiba.

In the case of Chernobyl, those places that suffered from a similar radiation dose as Fukushima, were deserted

Probably from now on, ailments will increase. Therefore, it is necessary, that a detailed epidemiological survey is done.


In der ganzen Kanto-Region breiten sich gesundheitliche Schäden aus – Bericht über500 Fälle

Zusammenfassung von 550 Fällen von 18.6.-30.6.:
• Die über Beschwerden klagenden Menschen sind 0 bis 87 Jahre alt, Durchschnittsalter 30,47 Jahre
• Diagnosen der Fälle:
1. Rachenbeschwerden (172 Fälle)
2. Nasenbluten (106 Fälle)
3. Durchfall (97 Fälle)
4. Müdigkeitsanfälle (83 Fälle)
5. Husten (61 Fälle)
6. Nasenschmerzen, Schnupfen (50 Fälle)
7. Kopfschmerzen (42 Fälle)
8. Anschwellen der Augen (39 Fälle)
9. Fieberanfälle (34 Fälle)
10. Mundhöhlenentzündung (28 Fälle)

• Viele Leute klagten über Beschwerden und kannten keine Ursache dafür, einige Beispiele: „Obwohl ich normalerweise Verstopfung habe, hatte ich dauernden Durchfall“, „Ich hatte jahrelang kein Nasenbluten, es hatte mich niemand gestoßen, aber plötzlich bekam ich Nasenbluten“
• Verschlechterung oder Wiederauftreten von Atopien (Überempfindlichkeitsreaktion) und Allergien, Menstruationsbeschwerden, Muttermale, Purpura ( kleinfleckige Kapillarblutungen in der Haut, Unterhaut oder den Schleimhäuten), obwohl die Menschen keinen Stress hatten
• Zwei Frauen aus der Präfektur Fukushima hatten Fehlgeburten
• Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung lassen sich aufteilen in Probleme mit Schleimhäuten und Probleme mit Immunsystem [Anm. die Probleme mit den Schleimhäuten sind ein Kriterium dafür, dass das Immunsystem geschwächt ist]

• Das Immunsystem der Kinder von Tschernobyl ist geschwächt: Es gibt nun nur wenige gesunde Kinder in der Belarus-Region. 98 von 100 Kindern leiden an gesundheitlichen Beschwerden. Weil ihr Immunsystem schwach ist und sie an Beschwerden leiden, können die Kinder lange Schulstunden nicht aushalten, daher wurden die Stunden von 45 auf 25 Minuten gekürzt.

• Unsere Untersuchung ergab, dass Kinder oft unter Müdigkeitserscheinungen leiden, an der Verschlechterung allergischer Symptome und geschwollenen Augen.
• Nach dem Atomunfall sagten viele Ärzte und Forscher in Japan, dass Nasenbluten keine Beziehung zur Strahlenexposition habe, aber Wissenschaftler der New York Academy of Sciences publizierten einen Bericht “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment”, der besagt, dass Nasenbluten und geschwollene Lymphdrüsen ein Anzeichen von radioaktiver Kontamination sind.
• Der Direktor des Krebszentrums in Hokkaido sagte, dass viele Leute über dieselben Symptome klagen und diese seinen Anzeichen von Verstrahlungen durch niedrige Strahlendosen.
• Dem Buch “Gefahren interner Verstrahlung” (Naibu hibaku no kiyoui): Anfangs verursacht Strahlung in niedrigen Doesen Noasenbluten und Durchfall und dann kann sich die sogenannte Burabura-Krankheit entwickeln (chronische Müdigkeit), die oft mit Faulheit oder Trödelei verwechselt wird.

• Aus welchen Gegenden kommen die Menschen, die über Halsbeschwerden, Nasenbluten, Durchfall etc. klagen?
• Das sind die Präfekturen Tokyo (166 Fälle), Kanagawa (46), Chiba (36), Fukushima und Saitama (33), Ibaraki (13) und Miyagi (10).
• Grafik: hellgelb = weniger als 10 Fälle, gelb = mehr als 10 Fälle, orange= mehr als 50 Fälle, rot = mehr als 100 Fälle.
• Die Anzahl der Einwohner in den Präfekturen ist unterschiedlich, daher kann man dies nicht vergleichen, man muss also die Prozentzahlen betrachten und dann steht Fukushima an erster Stelle, dann folgen Tokyo und Chiba.
• Im Fall von Tschernobyl waren die Gegenden, die eine ähnliche Strahlendosis abbekommen haben wir Fukushima kaum bewohnt.
• Wahrscheinlich werden von jetzt an gesundheitliche Beschwerden zunehmen. Daher ist es notwendig, dass detaillierte epidemiologische Untersuchungen durchgeführt werden.


관동 (关 东) 지역 전반에 걸쳐 건강 문제의 확산 있습니다 – 보고서를 5백가지 경우여
6월 18일에서 6월 30일까지에서 5백50가지 경우 요약. :
0에서 87 살이고하는 불편에 대해 불평 • 사람, 평균 연령 30-47년
가지 경우 • 진단 :
1 스로트 불만 (1백72가지 경우)
둘째 노즈 출혈 (1백6가지 경우)
셋째 설사 (97가지 경우)
넷째 피로, 발작 (83가지 경우)
다섯째 기침 (61가지 경우)
여섯째 코 통증, 콧물 (50가지 경우)
일곱째 두통 (42가지 경우)
눈 여덟째 부풀어 올랐고 (39가지 경우)
아홉째 피버 (34가지 경우)
입 열번째 염증 (28가지 경우)
• 많은 사람들이 증상을 호소하고 어떠한 이유 이유는 몇 가지 예입니다 몰랐다 ‘내가 보통 변비 수는있어도, 나는 상수 설사를했다’, ‘전 년도 코피가 없었을 아무도 나를 밀었는 없었다,하지만 난 갑자기 가지고 코피 ‘
• 악화 또는 위축 (과민성 반응)의 재발, 그리고 알레르기, 생리 문제, 모반, 자반병 (피부 발진).
은 유산을했다
조사 • 결과는 점액 세포막

피부 또는 점막에서 점액을 분비하는) 사람이 스트레스가 없었지만
후쿠시마현에서 • 두 여성문제, 그리고 면역 시스템 [점액 세포막과 함께 문제가 면역 시스템이 약화되어 기준 아르 참고] 문제로 나눌 수 있습니다
• 체르노빌 어린이의 면역 체계가 약화됩니다 이제 지역 OB 벨로루시의 몇 가지 건강한 아이가 없습니다. 백명의 98 밖으로이 질환으로 고통. 자신의 면역 체계가 약한 그들이 질환으로 고생하기 때문에 아이들이 긴 강의를 견딜 수없는, 수업이 45~25분에서 단축 못했습니다.

• 우리의 탐구에 의하면, 아이들은 종종 알레르기 증상 부어 눈 피로, 악화의 고통.
• 핵 사고 이후 일본에서 많은 의사와 연구자가 코피가 방사선 노출에 아무런 관계도 없었라고하지만, 과학의 뉴욕 아카데미의 과학자는 “체르노빌 : 사람과 환경에 대재 앙의 결과들”보고서를 발표, 그 코피와 부풀어 림프 땀샘은 방사능 오염의 증거가 있다고 말합니다.

• 홋카이도에서 암 센터의 이사는 많은 사람들이 같은 증상에 대해 불평하고 이러한 낮은 선량 방사선 효과의 증거는 것을 말했다
• (Naibu hibaku 없음 kiyoui) 도서 “내부 방사선 노출의 위험”에 의하면 처음에는 낮은 후 방사선 인해 코피, 설사, 그리고 소위 bura bura 질환 [만성 피로 증후군] 나타날 수있다 않는다 자주 게으름 또는 dawdling와 혼합.

• 어떤 지역에서 사람들은 목구멍 질환, 코피, 설사 등에 대한 불평, 누가 오는가?
•이 도쿄 부 (1백66가지 경우), 가나가와 (46), 치바 (36), 후쿠시마와 사이 타마 (33), 이바라키 (13)와 미야기 (10)입니다.
• 차트 : 밝은 노란색 = 이하 10 건, 황색 = 10 개 이상의 케이스, 오렌지 = 50 개 이상의 케이스, 빨간색 = 이상 백가지 경우
• 현 주민의 숫자는 다르다, 그래서 하나가이 비교도 안되는, 그래서 당신은 비율을 비교해야하고 후쿠시마 처음부터 두번째 도쿄, 셋째 치바에 있습니다.

• 체르노빌, 후쿠시마 같은 유사한 방사선 선량의 고통을 그 장소의 경우에는 버려진되었습니다
• 아마 이제부터 질병이 증가합니다. 따라서 자세한 역학 조사가 완료되는, 필요.


  1. フランス語 / Français / French :

    Agrégation des 550 cas à partir du 18 Juin jusqu’au 30 Juin:

    Personnes interrogées ayant des maux vont de 0 à 87 ans, âge moyen 30,47 années

    Les diagnostics ont été:

    affections de la gorge (172 cas)
    Saignements de nez (106 cas)
    diarrhée (97 cas)
    Fatigue (83 cas)
    Toux (61 cas)
    Douleur dans le nez, froid (50 cas)
    Maux de tête (42 cas)
    Yeux gonflés (39 cas)
    Fièvre (34 cas)
    Stomatite (28 cas)

    De nombreux participants à l’enquête se sont plaints de maux, sans en connaitre la raison. Quelques exemples:

    “Normalement, je souffre de constipation, mais maintenant, je souffre de diarrhée persistante”, “je n’ai pas eu Saignements de nez pendant des années et personne ne m’a touché, mais tout d’un coup j’ai eu des saignements de nez”

    Aggravation ou réapparition de réactions allergiques et dermatite atopique, les maux menstruels, les grains de beauté, purpura (éruption cutanée), bien que qu’aucun n’ait subi de stress

    Deux femmes de la préfecture de Fukushima ont fait des fausses couches

    Les maux qui ont été trouvés par l’enquête peuvent être répartie entre les affections des muqueuses et des maux du système immunitaire

    Le système immunitaire des enfants de Tchernobyl s ‘est affaibli: Maintenant, il ya quelques enfants en bonne santé dans la région de Biélorussie. 98 sur 100 personnes souffrent de maux. Parce que leur système immunitaire est faible, ils souffrent de maux, ces enfants ne peuvent pas supporter des leçons longues, alors les leçons ont été raccourcies de 45 à 25 minutes.

    Selon notre enquête, les enfants souffrent souvent de fatigue, une aggravation des symptômes allergiques, yeux gonflés.

    Après l’accident nucléaire, de nombreux médecins et chercheurs au Japon a déclaré que saignements de nez n’avait aucun rapport avec l’exposition radioactive, mais les scientifiques de la New York Academy of Sciences a publié un rapport intitulé «Tchernobyl: conséquences de la catastrophe pour les populations et l’environnement», qui dit que les ganglions lymphatiques enflés provoquent saignement de nez et sont des signes de contamination radioactive.

    Le directeur d’un centre de cancérologie à Hokkaido dit, que beaucoup de gens se plaignent des mêmes symptômes et sont des preuves des effets d’une faible dose de radiations.

    Selon le livre “Les dangers de l’exposition au rayonnement interne” (Naibu hibaku pas kiyoui): Au début, les faibles rayonnements provoquent des diarrhées et des saignements de nez, puis la soi-disant maladie de bora bora [syndrome de fatigue chronique] peuvent apparaître, ce qui est souvent mélangé avec la fatigue ou lassitude.

    De quelles régions viennent les patients se plaignent de maux de la gorge, saignements de nez, la diarrhée, etc ?

    Préfecture de Tokyo (166 cas), Kanagawa (46), Chiba (36), Fukushima et Saitama (33), Ibaraki (13) et Miyagi (10).

    Graphique: jaune = moins de 10 cas, jaune = plus de 10 cas, orange = plus de 50 cas, rouge = plus de 100 cas

    Le nombre d’habitants des préfectures sont différents, il est donc difficile de comparer cela, il faut comparer le pourcentage. Ainsi Fukushima est à la première place, la deuxième revenant à Tokyo, la troisième à Chiba.

    Dans le cas de Tchernobyl, les lieux ayant soufferts d’une dose de rayonnement semblable à Fukushima, ont été volontairement désertés

    Probablement à partir de maintenant, les maux vont augmenter. Par conséquent, il est nécessaire qu’une enquête épidémiologique détaillée soit faite.

  2. This informations needs to be widely distributed!
    Now that the ‘press’ has been gagged effectively by their masters it is up to independent bloggers and web editors to repost this FAR and WIDE.

  3. See the payern, and imagine that this litle object, the Isotop as a Sun. Sparkling, radiating and Hot.
    That fryes(burns) the surface it comes into contac with. The reason for all the respiratory and digestive(drinking, de facto miniatur suns) problems, thats what radioactyve nucleiouds are and also capable of.
    Thats why they are dangerous.
    And the Neptonium, wil eventualy decay into Plutonium, and the situation wil be faar wurse.
    And they as we know and should do so by now, that there is no sutch thing as a “low level dose”.
    Either you have it inside or not, and the only way is to relocate the moust radiocative people, otherwise its going to be wurse.
    You have to fysicaly move away from the fallout sone.

  4. Hello there, You have done an excellent job. I will certainly digg it and individually suggest to my friends. I’m sure they’ll be benefited from this site.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


September 2011