Thyroid cancer rate grew 10 times much in 20 years in Belarus

When Chernobyl accident happend in 1986, Belarus failed evacuating people and didn’t distribute potassium iodide preparation either just like Japan after Fukushima accident.

According to Belarus Minsk medical university, from 1986 to 2004, thyroid cancer rate increased in following 18 years.

Especially the cancer rate of people who are over 46 years old increased steadily.

This statistics shows even if you were older than 28 years old when Chernobyl happened, the more time passes, the more likely you are to have thyroid cancer.

Thyroid cancer rate grew 10 times much in 20 years in Belarus





  1. Well that certainly isn’t a nice thing to do to all those people.
    So somehow their deaths mean nothing? and the world is sane? The people in control? The officials?
    I don’t think so, and I can prove it many times over.
    I have seen most don’t listen to you Mochi, that is sad, because if they did, it’s possible they could live, also, I am sad that ex-skf and many commentors get animalistic if they see someone say something about your website or how truly great you are.
    I think your great, righteous, SMART, and have a good heart. You care Mochi, so do I. There is no need for the Japanese to die.

  2. Hi!

    I had been thinking of going to Japan, mainly to Tokyo, for a holiday. Is it too dangerous? Do I have to give up those plans?

  3. Informations about all the people suffering from radioactivity in Belarus is of a strategic importance in the war against the nuclear industry.
    They should be spread as widely and often as possible.

  4. Children’s thyroid cancer is (was) an extremely uncommon “disease” (mutation). It’s world spontaneous rate doesn’t exceed 1 – 2 cases per 1 million

    This has changed.

    > The majority of Children who fell ill with cancer were UNDER THREE YEARS OLD at the time of the Chernobyl explosions. 61,6 % were 4 – 10 years of age at the time when they were operated on. Sex correlation: 98 boys (39,2%) and 152 girls (60,8%); 1:1,6.

    > The age of the Child at the moment of the explosions and releases of radionuclides are important and the moment when the cancer was diagnosed. The younger the child was during exposition the earlier the child develops cancer.

    > 58,5% of cancers were diagnosed with endocrinological screening. 15% with ultrasound.

    > Only 15% of those who fell ill with cancer took stable iodine during the first month after the explosions.

    > The highest incidence of thyroid gland cancer is among children and teenagers: Khoiniki district 1990 (6,2% of 100,000 Children): – an area with up to 1,48 million becquerel per m³ (40 curie per km² = 50 – 60 mSv/a).

    > There are cancers in “clean” regions. (FOOD! With ingredients from irradiated areas!)

    > Average incidence of thyorid gland cancer of children is 1,8 of 100,000 Children. In Brest: 0,7 of 100,000 Children.

    > High correlation between level of thyroid gland cancer morbidity and the average doses accumulated by thyroid gland (correlation factor is r=0,84) as well as the contamination density of territories with Cesium 137 (r=0,86).

    Greatest thyroid gland cancer cases: GOMEL region: 54 % (1994, 44 cases were registered, 11,7 of 100,000 Children)

    => 12,5 of 100,0000 Children

    1,48 Million Becquerel per m² = 40 Curie per km² = 50 – 60 additional Milli Sievert per Year – ONLY by living there, eating, drinking not included.

    BREST region: 22% (21 registered in 1994, 5,9 out of 100,000 Children)

    => 4,91 out of 100,000 Children

    highest growth rate in 1993: 6,37 of 100,000 Children.

    The more years go by, the more cancer cases!

    > During 1986 (when Chernobyl exploded) and 1993: 251 Thyroid gland cancer cases in Belarus (72% of Chernobyl fallout – irradiating 25% of the country)

    > During 1978 to 1986 only 5 Thryoid cancer gland cases in Belarus

    > 1990: 29 cases – four fold to 1989

    > 1991: 59 cases

    > Beginning 1992: 1,1 – 1,2 times more

    > 1994: 82 and increasing

    people talk about small half-lifes of radio-iodine. 8 days. full decay time 2,7 months. but why are the thyroid cancer rates in Chernobyl areas among children rising? for 26 years now. there are 2 important anwers:

    1) cancer becomes heritable (I think that increased thyroid cancer incidence of children from irradiated parents would be first manifestation of the induced genomic instability:

    2) A daughter isotope of strontium is focused in the pituitary gland and has a secondary effect on hypothyroidism. pregnant women So take in strontium 90, which in turn affects the pituitary gland and has an effect on other immune diseases. This also increases the mortality rate of low weight infants (an important indicator of radiation damage).

    Belarus has all the information Japan needs:

    with kind regards,

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


April 2012