[Column] Why do I talk on Ustream, Youtube live and Google Hangout

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I have 2 enemies. One is media blackout, and the other one is sensationalists. The former blinds us, and the latter erodes us.


I had quite an argument on Facebook because I posted “Some people are expecting Fukushima to explode, and that frets me.”.

Some people do business by using Fukushima accident. As we all know, it ruins all the efforts of us to try to get people to the safer place, and the efforts of you to fight against the nuclear policy not to repeat the history of Japan.


It’s been 3 years. However still there are people to say “exploding !” when they saw a light, fog, or a moving crane in live camera.

It was in the trend in 2011 ~ 2012 to stare at live camera and post those things. However though we have heard someone saying “exploding !” countless times, we are still alive for some reason. It proves it didn’t explode.


I personally believe there were times when reactor2 had recriticality and heated for some reason until 2012. Unreported hydrovolcanic explosions might have happened in early 2011.

but it’s not like that now. The situation has changed. What’s happening in Fukushima plant is something we can’t see, sense, even hear.

We must see a shape in the dark, distinguish the silence, and feel the touch of nothing. It’s called data / facts analysis.

Even though the data is manipulated, we can still see the trend or zero trend. Zero trend means the data is entirely manipulated, which is another important achievement to find.


Last August, Fukushima Diary reported Strontium-90 data of Tepco might be manipulated. 6 months have passed now, and they admitted all the Strontium-90 (and possibly Cs-134/137, especially the high readings) data from 311 to October of 2013 were wrong more or less. This is how it’s supposed to go.


Honestly I didn’t know anything about nuclear plant when I started Fukushima Diary. I was like punching the air cluelessly. My English was also terrible. but I tried to learn.

I also learnt the word “boy who cried wolf”.


One of the reasons why CNN can’t report about Fukushima is because they don’t have any knowledge about nuclear. One of the reasons why “journalists” couldn’t prevent Fukushima accident from occurring was because they didn’t know anything about nuclear.

We can be the different us, if we learn.


If we learn, they can’t cover up anymore. If we learn, sensationalist are called joke. If press learn more, they can attend Tepco’s press conference and pressure them (Unfortunately I don’t think most of the foreign media can come back to the conference anymore. They are too outdated.). If we learn, we can guess what else the government is likely to lie about.

It’s not too soon to take a step forward. Let’s learn. It’s 3 years. 3 years old baby can already speak.


This is why I get on Ustream, Youtube live and Google Hangout.

I’ve been doing it for about 10 days almost non-stop. Some Japanese people are already asking about the way of moving out of Japan in various ways, how to get a visa, how to take a little child abroad.

I also started doing it in English since a couple of days ago.

I want to answer your questions, and I want to know what to learn more. Knowledge is armament. It’s time to change anger to knowledge. We will no longer be deceived.


I’ll be on Ustream, Youtube live and Google Hangout at 9:30 in NY time everyday for 30 mins. It’s recorded so you can watch it anytime.

I’ll post today’s session for example.





If you are from the international mass media, Don’t read this site before having a contact with me.


Français :

[Édito] Pourquoi je parle sur Ustream, Youtube live et Google Hangout
Note : Merci de lire le Fukushima Diary. Le Fukushima Diary repose avant tout sur vos dons.
Les virements mensuels sont très appréciés.


J’ai 2 ennemis. L’un est dans la censure médiatique, l’autre dans les sensationnalistes. Le premier nous aveugle, l’autre nous sape.

J’ai quasiment eu une dispute sur Facebook parce que j’avais publié “Certains attendent que Fukushima explose et ça me tourmente”.
Certains font des affaires en exploitant l’accident de Fukushima. Comme nous le savons tous, ça détruit tous nos efforts pour que les gens se mettent en sécurité et vos efforts de combat contre la politique nucléaire pour que l’histoire japonaise ne se répète pas.

Ça fait 3 ans. Néanmoins, il reste encore des gens pour crier “ça saute !” dès qu’ils voient une lumière, du brouillard ou une grue qui bouge devant une caméra de direct.
La tendance en 2011 ~ 2012 était de rester devant la caméra de direct et de poster ce genre de trucs. Néanmoins, bien qu’on ait entendu un nombre incalculable de fois quelqu’un dire “ça explose !”, nous sommes toujours vivants. Ce qui prouve que ça n’a pas explosé.

Personnellement, je pense que jusqu’en 2012 il y a eu des moments où le réacteur 2 a fait des retours en surchauffe et criticité. Des explosions hydro-volcaniques  non rapportées ont pu se produire début 2011.
mais ce n’est plus comme ça maintenant. LA situation a changé. Ce qui se passe dans la centrale de Fukushima est quelque chose qu’on ne peut no voir, ni sentir ou même entendre.
On doit deviner une forme dans le noir, entendre dans le silence et sentir sans rien toucher. Ça s’appelle analyse des données / des faits.
Bien que les données soient manipulées, on peut voir une tendance ou pas de tendance. L’absence de tendance signifie que les données sont totalement manipulées, ce qui est aussi une chose à trouver.

En août dernier, le Fukushima Diary rapportait que les données de Tepco sur le strontium 90 ont du être manipulées. 6 mois sont passés à présent et ils reconnaissent que toutes les données sur le strontium 90 (et sans doute aussi les Cs-134/137, en particulier sur les valeurs élevées) entre mars 2011 et octobre 2013 étaient fausses, plus ou moins. C’est supposé marcher comme ça.

Honnêtement, je ne connaissais strictement rien aux centrales nucléaires en commençant le Fukushima Diary. C’était comme si je brassais l’air au hasard. Mon anglais était terrible aussi mais j’ai essayé d’apprendre.
J’ai appris aussi “l’histoire de Pierre et le loup”.

Une des raisons qui fait que CNN ne peut pas rendre compte sur Fukushima est qu’ils n’y connaissent rien sur le nucléaire. Une des raisons qui ont empêché les journalistes de prévenir et parer à l’accident de Fukushima est qu’ils n’y connaissent rien au nucléaire.
On peut être différents, nous, si on apprend.

Si on apprend, ils ne peuvent plus censurer. Si on apprend, les sensationnalistes  sont transformés en plaisantins. Si la presse apprend plus, ils peuvent aller aux conférences de presse de Tepco et leur mettre la pression (je pense que malheureusement la plupart de ceux de la presse étrangère ne peuvent plus y retourner, ils sont trop dépassés). Si on apprend, on a toutes les chances de voir les autres mensonges du gouvernement.
Il n’est pas trop tôt pour avancer. Apprenons. Ça fait 3 ans. A 3 ans, un bébé commence déjà à parler.

C’est pour ça que je vais sur Ustream, le direct de Youtube et Google Hangout.
Je le fais pratiquement non-stop depuis 10 jours. Certains japonais demandent déjà comment partir du Japon de différentes façons, comment obtenir un visa, comment emmener un enfant à l’étranger.
J’ai aussi commencé à le faire en anglais depuis deux jours.
Je veux répondre à vos questions et je veux savoir quoi apprendre de plus. La connaissance est une arme. Il est temps de changer la colère en connaissance. On ne doit plus se laisser tromper.

Je serai sur Ustream, Youtube live et Google Hangout à 9:30, heure de New-York, tous les jours pendant 30 mins. C’est enregistré, donc vous pouvez e voir à tout moment.

Par exemple, voici la séance d’aujourd’hui :

Note : Si vous êtes de la grande presse internationale, ne lisez pas ce site sans avoir préalablement pris contact avec moi.

  1. We read with concern, when earthquake epicenters are reported near the FDNPS. There is a realistic apprehension when radiation spikes occur in one of the units. It is particularly concerning when the site cameras are ‘off line’ when Fukushima has other reverses and bad news.

    It is agreed that the Corium Slag is no longer glowing red, or white hot; in full view of helicopter film footage and night-footage from distant fix mounted cameras, respectively.

    A China scientific paper indicated that California Coastal waters would progress to 1%, 2%, 3% and then stay at 4%, of the time-corresponding Fukushima radiation contamination values, for several years.

    Thus these CONSTANT upward revisions of the Japan radiation contamination data ARE fueling anxieties on the North American Left Coast.


    Bill Duff

  2. Mochizuki, I enjoy your column almost daily and reference it often. I entirely agree with your statement “I want to answer your questions, and I want to know what to learn more. Knowledge is armament. It’s time to change anger to knowledge. We will no longer be deceived.”

    It is high time to move past anger and fear and into knowledge and action. It is time to prevail upon our government(s) the UN-IAEA, upon private and public industry leaders to tell us the truth, and for us to hold them accountable for accuracy in reporting and response to this threat, for it threatens us all.

    I admire your courage and tenacity and hope your work continues. If you reply to me privately I may have a useful resource to discuss with you.

    Yours always,

    Robert Rowe

  3. Fact: The Washington Post concocted or willfully printed, a totally false report that the USA Strategic (anti-radiation) Drug Supply had been hauled to the dump. Thereby, the Nipponese were denied: KI, Radiogardase (Insoluble Prussian Blue) and the other life-saving medications.

    The Washington Post committed ‘accessory to mass-murder’, by my lights.

    Paul Blustein, former Washington Post reporter and ex-Member of the FCCJ, is rather apparently lying through his teeth and ‘defending – by attack’.

    http www fccj or jp/ (number-1-shimbun/item/278-stop-it-already-counterpoint) html

    Stop It Already & Counterpoint – Tuesday, February 04, 2014

    Paul Bluestein denies: “the accident came perilously close to irradiating the Tokyo metropolitan area.”

    Martin Fackler, NYTimes cites: ‘Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, started by Funabashi Yoichi, former editor-in-chief of the Asahi Shimbun’ “(using meticulous sourcing) that Prime Minister Kan Naoto had considered evacuating Tokyo. This is an astounding fact, one that Mr. Kan himself later confirmed to me.”

    David McNeill, the Independent and Economist: “I’ll stick to reporting what I know.” – cites:

    “Kyle Cleveland of Temple University Japan has written a well-sourced essay this year revealing that U.S. officials in Japan were concerned enough in March 2011 about the possibility of evacuation to have destroyed thousands of documents at military and diplomatic facilities.”

    “Kevin Maher, former director of the Office of Japan Affairs also said in his 2011 (Japanese) book, The Japan That Can’t Decide, that U.S. officials in Japan planned to evacuate 90,000 citizens from Tokyo during the disaster.”

    And more …

    1. US Military Dependents WERE evacuated from Honshu Island. Most were initially relocated to South Korea. Some were no doubt transferred to Alaska, Hawai’i, Guam, and the Lower 48.

      The next group of dependents was not moved to Honshu Island. The families were VERY soon, gone. Gregory B. Jaczko, then Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), was reportedly the Driving Force behind this well-considered, strategic redeployment.

      The nuclear fallout exposure, experienced by these families, was significant and threatening. Their evacuation was, in my opinion, on the order of as quickly as reasonably achievable. IF these American military families were given anti-radiation medications and decontamination hose-downs, that would be good. I have not however, read ANY document to suggest that they were medically treated.


      Bill Duff

  4. If sensationalists are your enemy, why do you continue to allow Bill Duff to post on your blog?

    Maybe “The Great Radionuclide Storm of 2011” where the sky turned orange over the USA is not sensationalist enough for you?

    1. You are the one attempting to evoke emotion in every one of your brief slack-jawed, slow-witted, factless and otherwise devoid replies. I have bit my tongue until now when you once again attack Mochizuki-san for no good reason.

      Your pitiful attempts to use emotion to evoke response qualify YOU as a sensationalist! Look it up, neophyte.

      Ten-thousand years. Two half-lives of Carbon 14.
      Banzai! 🙂

  5. TV: Hawai’i Senators introduce bill to require Fukushima radiation monitoring for at least next 5 years

    A similar bill introduced in the house was also heard today.

    http www kitv com/ (news/hawaii/Hawaii-lawmakers-address-resident-radiation-fears/-/8905354/24364460/-/153la9u/-/index) html

    TRANSCRIPT OF BROADCAST – Excerpts: “It has been almost three years since an earthqauke devastated Japan and crippled the Fukushima nuclear plant.” KITV-4’s Catherine Cruz has the LATEST developments … – Catherine Cruz, reporter:

    “Radiation fears have resurfaced and now residents are asking whether the state’s doing enough to be sure there’s nothing from Fukushima hitting our shores.”

    – Adrian Chang, retired nuclear engineer: “I just want to make sure what we consume is going to be safe,” Adrian Chang is a retired pearl harbor nuclear engineer. He turned out to support a bill calling for radiation testing and voiced his concerns before members of a joint health and enviroment committee. State health officials assured that it has been monitoring our shores since before the earthquake. The testing happens quarterly on Oahu, Kauai and the Big Island.”

    Hearst Television Inc. comprises of 29 television stations, and two radio stations, in geographically diverse U.S. markets. The Company’s television stations reach approximately 18% of U.S. TV households, making it one of the largest U.S. television station groups.

    1. That small Burnt Orange Crescent Slivver indicates the Peak Fukushima Global nuclear fallout concentration was at Hawai’i on January 29, 2012. Oh and for that particular day, most of Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas and Tennessee apparently ‘had the bubble up’.

      “French gov’t map shows ‘maximum’ radiation directly over Hawaii on March 21, 2011 — Highest levels of anywhere in world, including Fukushima (GRAPHIC)”

      http enenews com/ (french-govt-map-shows-maximum-radiation-directly-hawaii-march-21-2011-highest-levels-anywhere-world-including-fukushima-graphic)
      http upload Wikimedia org/ (wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Fukushima-_Panache-21-mars) svg
      http commons Wikimedia org/ (wiki/File:Fukushima-_Panache-21-mars) svg

      ar Météo France de la dispersion des rejets radioactifs dans l’atmosphère à l’échelle globale suite à l’accident nucléaire de Fukushima, Jan. 29, 2012:

  6. http www capitol hawaii gov/ (session2014/bills/SB3049_) htm
    http www capitol hawaii gov/ (measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=2600&year=2014)


    SECTION 1. The department of health shall implement a radiation monitoring pilot project that shall:

    (1) Measure and monitor radiation levels in items such as food, dairy products, rainwater, aquifers, and drainage ditches that may be susceptible to increased radiation levels due to the March 11, 2011, Fukushima nuclear disaster; and

    (2) Post periodic reports on the department’s website of those radiation levels and their significance to the State. ” …

  7. SB 3049

    http islandbreath blogspot com/ (2014/02/bill-for-fukushima-monitoring) html

    Bill for Fukushima monitoring, SUBHEAD: Hawaii Senators introduce bill to require Fukushima radiation monitoring for at least next 5 years revealed to public.

    By Juan Wilson on 9 February 2014 for Island Breath –

    A Hawaii State Senate Bill SB-3049 is currently under consideration. This bill would require the State Department of Health (DOH) to implement a pilot project to monitor radiation levels over the next five years and to post periodic reports on its website.

    This is an obvious thing to do since the Federal government (NOAA, EPA, DOE, NRC, etc) are not revealing what has happened or will be happening regarding our health and safety in Hawaii due to the Fukushima Daiichi Disaster. Support this bill!

  8. “the destruction of our major food source, fish”

    Testimony on Hawai’i House Bill 2600 (Companion Bill to SB 3049)

    http www capitol hawaii gov/ (Session2014/Testimony/HB2600_TESTIMONY_HLT_02-07-14_) PDF

    “In summary, the need for monitoring radiation levels on EACH island is essential. The continuation of this pollution of our air, water and soil by Japan (they now have a policy of secrecy to allow any further information out regarding the ongoing pollution) and the destruction of our major food source, fish, as reported by San Diego County, California with the contamination of the Ahi Tuna behooves us to begin a comprehensive monitoring program.

    This monitoring would benefit from oversight of the Hawaii Department of Health with the sophisticated equipment and trained personnel on each island. Can we afford not to know what is impacting our food supply our pregnant mothers and future generations.”

    Respectfully submitted,

    Sherrian Witt, M.A., L.M.H.C. – Witt Counseling Service – Hilo, Hawaii

    1. Additional Testimony: Submitted on: 2/6/2014

      Testimony for HLT on Feb 7, 2014 08:45AM in Conference Room 329

      Submitted By /Organization /Testifier /Position
      I/ Robert Petricci/ Puna Pono Alliance/ Support

      Comments: Aloha Rep. Della Au Belatti, Chair Rep. Dee Morikawa, Vice Chair, and HLT committee members

      RE: HB 2600

      My name is Robert Petricci representing Puna Pono Alliance. Strong support. Aloha Senators, PPA urges you to pass HB2600. It will provide prudent information about possible effects from Fukushima on Hawaii’s environment and ultimately our families. Particularly if we need to take measures to protect our keki and pregnant mothers.

      Thank you for your consideration

      Robert Petricci President Puna Pono Alliance

    2. TESTIMONY FOR SB 3049 & HB 2600

      House Health Committee Hearing, 8:45 AM, Feb 7, 2014 Rm 329
      Senate Health Committee Hearing, 1:15 PM, Feb 7, 2014, Rm 229

      Introduction: Thank you Mr. Chairman and Committee Members. My name is Adrian Chang and I am here to testify in support of this Bill with some recommended word changes to clarify the scope of the monitoring program in order to do it efficiently and cost effectively.

      As a retired Nuclear Engineer from Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, I stress the importance of measuring for radioactive isotopes which could be the tell—tale sign of after effects from the Fukushima reactor accident. Fission products released, which have long half lives (e.g. Cesium 137 w/ 30+ years) could be very harmful to the general public when ingested, even in small amounts. To keep cost down, the Department of Health should work jointly with the Radiological Department of Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, who has over 50 years of experience in this area.

      Thank you again for introducing this Bill and for putting the health and safety of the people of Hawaii first, and for being the stewards of our environment.

      Adrian Q.S. Chang
      Honolulu, Hawaii 96825

    3. Testimony for HLT on Feb 7, 2014 08:45AM in Conference Room 329, Submitted By: Organization / Testifier / Position – I / Lisa Hallett / Individual / Support – Comments:

      Aloha I think this is a brilliant idea. Having periodic reading results posted on a website is a nice quiet way to share information with the public. Public health and safety should be number one with government. Studies are good for us to do in this area, especially because Japan is severely lacking in this area.

      Mahalo for allowing me to testify.

      Aloha, Lisa Hallett, Todd Andrews, Jessica Andrews

  9. http thenewpress com/ (index.php?option=com_title&task=view_title&metaproductid=1897)

    ‘Fukushima The Story of a Nuclear Disaster’ – hardcover, Pub Date: Fall 2013, ISBN: 978-1-59558-908-8

    A fast-paced, riveting account of the nuclear disaster caused by the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March 2011, with an explanation of the science behind the crisis as it unfolded

    In the first definitive account of the Fukushima disaster, two leading experts from the Union of Concerned Scientists, David Lochbaum and Edwin Lyman, team up with journalist Susan Q. Stranahan, the lead reporter of the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Pulitzer Prize–winning coverage of the Three Mile Island accident, to tell this harrowing story. Fukushima combines a fast-paced, riveting account of the tsunami and the nuclear emergency it created with an explanation of the science and technology behind the meltdown as it unfolded in real time.

    1. http www ucsusa org/ (about/staff/staff/edwin-lyman) html

      Edwin Lyman is an internationally recognized expert on nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism as well as nuclear power safety and security. He is a member of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, and has testified numerous times before Congress and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Since joining UCS in 2003, he has published articles in a number of journals and magazines, including Science, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Science and Global Security, and Arms Control Today, and he has been cited in thousands of news stories, including articles in the Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and USA Today, and in segments on ABC, CBS, CNN, C-SPAN, MSNBC, NBC, NPR and PBS.

      Before joining UCS, Dr. Lyman was president of the Nuclear Control Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based organization focused on nuclear proliferation. From 1992 to 1995, he was a postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University’s Center for Energy and Environmental Studies (now the Science and Global Security Program). He earned a doctorate degree in physics from Cornell University in 1992.

    2. http www ucsusa org/ (about/staff/staff/dave-lochbaum) html

      Dave Lochbaum, Director, Nuclear Safety Project

      Dave Lochbaum is one of the nation’s top independent nuclear power experts. As director of UCS’s Nuclear Safety Project, he monitors ongoing safety issues at U.S. reactors, testifies before Congress and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and provides informed analysis of nuclear plant conditions and incidents, such as the March 2011 crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi facility in Japan.

      A nuclear engineer by training, Mr. Lochbaum worked at nuclear power plants for 17 years, including many similar to the General Electric reactors at the Fukushima plant. He left the industry in the early 1990s after blowing the whistle on unsafe practices and joined UCS in 1996. He left UCS in 2009 to work for the NRC as a reactor technology instructor and returned to his post at UCS a year later.

      Mr. Lochbaum has authored numerous reports, including The NRC and Nuclear Power Plant Safety in 2010, the first in a series of reports he plans to produce annually. Over the years he has been cited thousands of times by a wide range of news organizations, including the Boston Globe, Business Week, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Time, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, CBS, CNBC, CNN, C-SPAN, Fox, Fox Business, MSNBC, NBC and NPR.

        1. Inconsistent:

          IFF no one is listening; then WHY waste your time?

          “If a tree falls …”

          Niall, go screw.

Comments are closed.

About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


February 2014