[Column] Uneasy way for Japanese who spread over the world

Note : If you are from the international mass media, Don’t read this site before taking a contact with me.



I needed to make the contract with the devil when I got out of Japan.

It doesn’t mean to do something bad. It means to forgive your “devilish” side.

My “devil” wanted to survive even if they think I am a betrayer. so I forgave me being so.

Ethically wrong, but logically right.


I took my own photo for the visa renewal last week (I’m still stuck in the process to prepare all the papers etc..) and compared it with the one taken 9 months ago. I look so different. The current “I” looks like it can’t be beaten no matter how many times you hit by a steal pan.


I haven’t said to anyone but it was a hard time from this February to June.

I thought the entire world was going to forget about Fukushima. There was not even a message, comment, not to mention, a donation on 311 of 2013. I can’t describe how it feels to spend the 311 in nearly the complete silence by myself.


Instead of ranting around, I chose to focus on data analysis quietly. It carried me here.


I’m looking for the freedom of existence.

Wherever you are, you are surrounded by the borders in this world. You’re required to have a visa, money, citizenship and whatsoever. Being is not free.

This is why I’m going to Svalbard. In other word, the world makes me go to Svalbard.


Some people still think I’m going there because I like the cold weather, or because I think that’s cool to be bohemian etc..

It makes me sad to think I’m still thought to be a romantic backpacker.

Even if Svalbard is right on the equator, I’d go there. This means, I don’t go to Greenland or Alaska or Sweden.


Anyway, I must survive whatever happens.I believe everyone should be able to exist even without being “allowed”.

After 311, a lot of Japanese spread all over the world. Sometimes they said those Japanese would steal the jobs and employments etc.. It’s not the easy way.

Those Japanese who are going through the hard times tell me that they are encouraged by me.

I’m going a little far, but I think I’m stretching over their mind limit and frontier.



I reject the international mass media to read this site without taking a contact with me.I know some of the mass media corporations read Fukushima Diary to understand the trend so they know when to report about Fukushima as if they were independently following it for a long time.
In short, they make you individual readers pay for this site while they pay nothing, and when they publish the “authorized news”, you pay for the “secondhand news”, which is nothing new for us.
This site is free for the individual readers, but not for corporations.In the world, this site is nearly the only source about Fukushima. I came here alone without any supporting organizations, background or anything. I’m not pleased to be exploited by the corporations that didn’t even properly report about Fukushima when 311 took place. I demand them to take a contact with me BEFORE reading this site whatever the purpose is.


Français :

[Édito] Le difficile chemin des japonais qui se sont disséminés de par le monde
Note : Si vous êtes de la grande presse internationale, ne lisez pas ce site sans avoir préalablement pris contact avec moi.


Je devais passer un contrat avec le diable en quittant le Japon.
Ça n’implique pas de faire quelque chose de mal. Ça veut dire d’excuser son “mauvais” côté.
Mon “démon” voulait survivre même en laissant penser que je suis un traître. Alors je me suis pardonné d’être ainsi fait.
Éthiquement incorrect mais logiquement correct.

La semaine dernière, j’ai pris moi-même ma photo pour le renouvellement du visa (je suis toujours empêtré dans les démarches pour préparer toute la paperasse, etc…) et je l’ai comparée avec celle d’il y a 9 mois. J’ai l’air tellement différent. Le “Je” actuel  a l’air de ne pas pouvoir être atteint quel que soit le nombre de coups de poêle à frire qu’on lui assène.

Je n’en ai parlé à personne mais pour moi ça a été dur entre février et juin.
Je pensais que le monde entier allait oublier Fukushima. Le 11 mars 2013, il n’y a même pas eu un message, ni un commentaire, et encore moins un don. Je ne peux pas exprimer ce que ça fait que de passer le 11 mars face à moi-même dans un silence quasi total.

Plutôt que de tonitruer, j’ai préféré me consacrer tranquillement à l’analyse des données. Ça m’a amené jusqu’ici.

Je cherche la liberté de vivre.
Dans ce bas-monde, où que l’on soit on est entouré par des frontières. On vous exige un visa, de l’argent, une citoyenneté et autre. Exister n’est pas gratuit.
C’est pour ça que je vais à Svalbard. Dit autrement, c’est le monde qui me pousse à Svalbard.

Certains pensent toujours que j’y vais parce que j’aime le froid ou parce que je pense que c’est cool d’être un vagabond, etc.
Ça me rend triste de penser qu’on me perçoive toujours comme un vagabond romantique .
Même si Svalbard était juste sur l’équateur, j’irai. Ça signifie que je ne vais pas au Groenland, en Alaska ou en Suède.

De toute façon, je dois survivre quoi qu’il arrive. Je pense que chacun devrait pouvoir exister même sans en avoir “la permission”.
Après le 11-3, beaucoup de japonais se sont dispersés sur le monde. On a parfois dit que ces japonais prenaient le travail, les emplois, etc… Ce n’est pas un chemin facile.
Ces japonais traversant des temps difficiles me disent qu’il sont encouragés par moi.
Je vais peut-être un peu loin mais je pense que je suis comme tendu au-dessus des limites et des frontières de leurs esprits.


J’interdis à la grande presse internationale de lire et d’utiliser ce site sans préalablement prendre contact avec moi. Je sais que certaines grandes sociétés de presse lisent le Fukushima Diary pour comprendre la tendance et trouver quand rendre compte de la situation de Fukushima comme s’ils la suivaient indépendamment depuis longtemps.
En résumé, ils vous font payer à vous, simples lecteurs, ce qu’ils prennent gratuitement dans ce site et lorsqu’ils publient des “nouvelles de première main” vous payez pour des “nouvelles resucées”, qui n’ont rien de nouveau pour nous.
Ce site est gratuit pour les lecteurs individuels, pas pour les sociétés. Ce site est pratiquement la seule source au monde sur Fukushima. Je viens ici seul sans aucun soutien d’organisation quelconque, ni références, ni rien. Je n’apprécie pas de me faire exploiter par ces sociétés qui n’ont même pas été foutues de relater correctement ce qui se passait à Fukushima quand a eu lieu le mois de mars 2011. Je leur demande de prendre contact avec moi AVANT de lire ce site dans quelque but que ce soit.

  1. When I first heard that the contamination was getting into the groundwater, around late March 2011, I said it was only a matter of time before people start taking in Japanese refugees. I still believe this, sadly, though the timescale is much slower than I expected — which is even more sad for those who have not gotten out of the radiation.

  2. There was nothing ethically wrong in leaving. This was forward thinking.The ethical thing you have been doing is to keep people informed worldwide and to try to help people who want to leave.
    So..thank you! And belated Happy Birthday!

  3. “Anyway, I must survive whatever happens.I believe everyone should be able to exist even without being “allowed”.”

    Dear Iori, as one of the people who tried to help out initially by explaining the problems with visas and borders, I agree with you and I support you with all my heart. I wish that all divine and earthly forces may bless you to remain strong, happy and free in your struggle.

  4. Also — it was NOT ethically wrong for you to leave. You are of more help to the Japanese people and the anti-nuclear cause alive and healthy. Don’t waste your energy by feeling guilty.

    It is not ethically wrong to leave. It is ethically wrong to remain silent and to deny the tragedy.

  5. so why Svalbard? I looked it up and it’s just part of Norway, isn’t it? Don’t you need the same things, passport, visa, etc.?

    You may as well go somewhere else!

    As someone who has been an immigrant for 30 years, I wish you the best, and I understand your points about not being free… the more frustrating when you see the “free flow of goods and capital” being glorified by presidents who – as they turn around – deport millions of “illegals”.

    The artistocracy is a shape-shifting monster that has been trying – mostly successfully – to control people for millennia, and to get rich on the back of workers. These rules and regulations are part of the control system imposed upon the world by those who wish to control it.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


November 2013