[Column] Fukushima reports the size of the thyroid nodule and cyst, but not the number of nodules and cysts

Even from the official report of Fukushima prefecture, about half of the children in Fukushima city have thyroid problems.

(cf. Thyroid disease rate spiked to 43.7%, “About 1 in 2 children have nodule or cyst in Fukushima city”)

The test was conducted from this May to August. The situation might be worse now, but Fukushima medical university and other experts are commenting it’s not the serious situation. They say, the younger they are, the more slowly the cancer develops.

(cf. Fukushima medical university “The younger you are, the more slowly thyroid cancer develops”)

Though this is such a reassuring advice of professionals, we have to question the premise.

Is it plural form or singular form ?

From the actual report from Fukushima prefecture, it doesn’t seem so rare for a child to have multiple thyroid nodules or cysts.

(cf. [Fukushima children] “Doctor couldn’t count all the thyroid cysts of my daughter”)

Reading the test result of Fukushima prefecture, I couldn’t find any data about how many nodules or cysts each child has, or how many nodules or cysts are considered to be safe or not.

Additionally, when they report the size of nodule or cysts, is it the biggest one or the smallest one or the average ?

Even if they are all benign, I would be surprised if my child (if I ever have) have countless thyroid nodules or / and cysts.





[Editoriale] Fukushima riporta le dimensioni delle cisti e dei noduli alla tiroide ma non il numero di cisti e di noduli.

Anche secondo il report ufficiale della prefettura di Fukushima, circa metà dei bambini nella città di Fukushima hanno problemi alla tiroide.

(cf. Thyroid disease rate spiked to 43.7%, “About 1 in 2 children have nodule or cyst in Fukushima city”)

Il test è stato condotto da questo Maggio ad Agosto. La situazione potrebbe essere peggiore ora, ma l’università medica di Fukushima e altri esperti stanno dicendo che la situazione non è seria. Dicono che più giovani si è e più lentamente il cancro si sviluppa.

(cf. Università medica di Fukushima: “Più giovane sei e più lentamente si sviluppa il cancro alla tiroide”)

Nonostante questa sia l’opinione rassicurante di professionisti dobbiamo farci delle domande sulle premesse.
Sì parla di singolare o plurale?
Dall’attuale report della prefettura di Fukushima non sembra così raro per un bambino avere cisti o noduli multipli alla tiroide.

(cf. [Bambini e Fukushima] “Il dottore non riusciva a contare tutte le cisti alla tiroide di mia figlia”)

Leggendo i risultati dei test della prefettura di Fukushima non sono riuscito a trovare alcun dato a proposito di quanti noduli o cisti abbia ognuno di quei bambini, o quando noduli o cisti sono considerati sicuri o meno.
Inoltre, quando riportano le dimensioni del nodulo o di una ciste, si tratta della più grande, della più piccola o di una nella media?
Anche se dicono che sono tutti benigni io sarei sorpreso se mio figlio (se mai ne avessi uno) avesse innumerevoli noduli alla tiroide e / o cisti.


Français :

[Édito] Fukushima rapporte la taille des nodules et kystes thyroïdiens mais “oublie” leurs nombres

Même selon les rapports officiels de la préfecture de Fukushima, près de la moitié des enfants de la ville de Fukushima ont des problèmes thyroïdiens.

(cf. La fréquence de maladies thyroïdiennes est montée à 43,7 %, “Dans la ville de Fukushima, presque un enfant sur deux a des nodules ou des kystes”)

Les examens ont été menés entre mai dernier et août. La situation aurait pu être pire maintenant mais l’université médicale de Fukushima et d’autres experts disent que ce n’est pas une situation grave. Ils disent que plus on est jeune, plus lent est le développement du cancer.

(cf. L’université médicale de Fukushima : “Plus vous êtes jeune, plus lentement se développe le cancer de la thyroïde”)

Bien que ce soit un avis rassurant de professionnels, nous devons nous demander sur quoi ils s’appuient.

Est-ce sur les formes multiples ou isolées ?

Selon le dernier rapport de la préfecture de Fukushima, il ne semble pas si rare qu’un enfant soit porteur de multiples kystes ou nodules  thyroïdiens.

(cf. [Enfants de Fukushima] “Le docteur n’a pas pu compter tous les kystes à la thyroïde de ma fille”)

Al la lecture des résultats des examens de la préfecture de Fukushima, je ne trouve  aucune donnée sur les nombres de kystes ou de nodules qu’on les enfants, ni combien de nodules ou kystes sont considérés comme insignifiants ou pas.

De plus, quand ils rapportent la taille d’un nodule ou d’un kyste, est-ce le plus gros, le plus petit ou la moyenne ?

Même s’ils sont tous bénins, je serais étonné que mon enfant (si j’en avais un) soit porteur d’innombrables kystes et/ou nodules thyroïdiens.


About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


November 2012