220 mSv/h in reactor2. Human can’t work

220 mSv/h in reactor2. Human can't work


220 mSv/h in reactor2. Human can't work2


220 mSv/h in reactor2. Human can't work3

Tepco announced they investigated the inside of reactor2 by using a remote controlling robot called Quince 2 on 2/27/2012.
It measured 127~220 mSv/h near the container vessel in the operation room of the fifth floor.
Tepco states it’s impossible to work in this level of radiation.
It found pool on the floor, Tepco says that is because they can’t change air, steam makes pool. The steam is assumed to be from container vessel, very radioactive.
Tepco explains it was 11~30 mSv in the stairways from the first floor to forth floor.

Source 1 2 3


(02/28 23:15)

  1. No problem they just need to smile REALLY hard! Or better yet, they can send in the politicians, TEPCO management, nuclear experts and media liars to do the work instead.

  2. That is a very high reading, although I was honestly expecting something even higher. I find the wording 人の作業困難 rather appropriate in its literal sense – it is indeed a difficult environment to work in. I would not call it completely impossible, though, as it is still low enough to allow working if the situation absolutely requires it. In such a situation, normal radiation safety guidelines could be stretched to allow a select group of people to get an exceptionally high dose in a controlled fashion.

    What I’m talking about is something like what was done at Chernobyl, although implemented far more ethically: recruit people to work for a once-a-lifetime shift for at most one or two hours. The compensation needs to be considerable, given the various risks (radiation, chemical environment, heat, humidity, broken structures and machinery, etc.) and the fact that the person can never work in the nuclear industry again. The health of the workers would have to be closely monitored.

    Of course, it is absolutely required by basic ethics to tell them of the risks involved well beforehand so they can make an educated decision. According to research data, an external dose of 200 millisieverts of gamma radiation (alpha and beta can be blocked with appropriate gear), when absorbed within such a short time period, is expected to increase long-term cancer risk by 4-10 percent (which translates to 1.6-4 percentage points on top of the normal risk of about 40 percent) and one might become mildly sick for a few hours or days.

  3. Use of the word “ethics” is intriguing and, as always with Fukushima conversations, maybe better left on the shelf for a later and wiser time.

    No, I was wondering if the writer was thinking to volunteer for a position with this project. The careful and accurate use of language in this post point to someone eminently suitable to be an administrator, and where better than in the recruitment division.

    Having laid out the ground rules so precisely, the writer will be able to propose, and have agreed, an authentically ethical recruitment process. One has to suppose that, in order to sign the contract with full legal validity, the candidate will necessarily be provided with a small library of the relevant papers, an internet terminal, and video conferencing with eminent experts, as a resource enabling them to pass a stiff written and oral exam on nuclear medicine, prior to an offer of employment.

    Naturally, the candidate would also undergo a comprehensive psychological profiling exercise in order to guarantee their state and clarity of mind.

    One might also imagine that the successful candidate will participate in a lengthy training process enabling them to avoid obstacles, work in the dark, obscure the dosimeter, and so on, so that they were fully skilled up for this socially prestigious work.

    And of course the sponsors will meet all downstream costs including that of eventual burial, with full honours, in a nuclear waste repository.

  4. “IF” something could be done, plenty of time has passed to do that “something”. The fuel will do what it does “fission” the only way to stop that is by “moderator rods” moderating the “controlled nuclear bomb” that is a “nuclear plant” you cannot moderate this period and that is final. Otherwise it would have been done. Reactor 2 off limits? NO! The whole site is off limits, when met with “lies” I prefer to assume and if tepco or gov disagree> then prove it, but you can’t because you’re liars and cheats and sneaky.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


February 2012